Nomi Kaltmann
Nomi is from Melbourne, Australia and holds degrees in law, liberal arts and a master’s in legal practice. Previously Nomi worked for the Shadow Attorney General of Australia and in 2022 ran for office in her local district. She is a co-founder of the Women’s Orthodox Tefillah Group in Victoria and is the founder and president of JOFA in Australia. Nomi is the Australian correspondent at Tablet Magazine and has completed several fellowships, including at Hillel’s International’s Office of Innovation, Launchpad Australia, Va’Tichtov, Women Leading Locally, and the Orthodox Leadership Program for Women. She is married to Daniel and they have four children, Joey, Rosie, Alexander and Adele.

Michal and Marc Arkovitz
Mazal Tov to all the new musmachot! Mazal Tov Rav Jeff! And Mazal Tov to the whole Maharat family!
Sharon and Russ Roberts
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Aliza Sperling and Josh Milner and Family
Mazal tov to the amazing graduates! Thank you Reb Jeff for leading with compassion and integrity.
R. Liz and R. Tanya Shayne and Farber
Ellen and Jack Hollander
Kol hakavod and mazel tov to Rav Jeffrey and to all the graduates.
Frances Prince
Mazal Tov to Nomi Kaltmann. So proud of her achievement and the enriching of the Jewish community of Melbourne.
Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky and Aryeh Baronofsky
Earle & Judy Orenstein
Ruth Licht
In honor of the semikha recipients + Rabbi Jeffrey Fox
Anat & Ariel Sharbat Freidenberg
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower & Rabbi Dov Linzer
A hige Mazel tov to the mushmachot! Mazel tov and hakarat ha tov to our colleague, Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Jeff Fox.
Maya Bernstein and Noam Silverman
Mazal Tov to the musmakhot and to Rav Jeff - your leadership inspires us all.
Miriam Lorie
Mazal tov to my inspirational colleagues - now go light up the Jewish world!
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