Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Sarit Kattan Gribetz is Associate Professor of Classical Judaism in the Theology Department at Fordham University and the Co-Director of Fordham’s Center for Jewish Studies.  Her book, Time and Difference in Rabbinic Judaism, received the National Jewish Book Award in Scholarship and the Jordan Schnitzer Book Award from the Association for Jewish Studies.  Her current academic research centers on the gendered history of Jerusalem.  Sarit received her A.B. and Ph.D. from the Religion Department at Princeton University.  Born in Tel Aviv and raised in Los Angeles, Sarit now lives with her family in Riverdale, NY.
Michal and Marc Arkovitz
Mazal Tov to all the new musmachot! Mazal Tov Rav Jeff! And Mazal Tov to the whole Maharat family!
Michael Peppard
Shelley Haven
Aliza Sperling and Josh Milner and Family
Mazal tov to the amazing graduates! Thank you Reb Jeff for leading with compassion and integrity.
Lamelle and Rob Ryman
May your light continue to spread and shine brightly across the Jewish world! R' Sarit, R' Tamar and Rosh haYeshiva R' Jeff -- may you go m'chayil el chayil!
Jessica Gribetz
Mazal tov to Sarit. Our whole family is so proud of you and your ongoing commitment to learning. Love Aunt Jess
Jonathan D. Sarna & Ruth Langer Jonathan D. Sarna & Ruth Langer
Congratulations to Rabbi Fox, Professor Kattan Gribetz, and to all of the other musmakhot. Thanks for making history! Jonathan D. Sarna & Ruth Langer
Karina Martin Hogan
Rella Feldman
Thank you Rabbi Fox for your visionary leadership.Kol Ha Kavod to Dr. Sarit Kattan Gribetz on this accomplishment! Best wishes,
Asher & Andrea Harris
Mazal tov to our dear friend Sarit! We are so impressed by your dedication to Torah. Asher & Andrea
Sheira & Steve Schacter
Congratulations to Musmakhot and Honoree
Gratitude to Leadership of Maharat

Sheira & Steve Schacter
R. Aviva Richman
Gabriela Khazanov
Dina Najman and James Licht Najman and Licht
R. Liz and R. Tanya Shayne and Farber
Rachelle Weisberger
Ellen and Jack Hollander
Kol hakavod and mazel tov to Rav Jeffrey and to all the graduates.
Max and Dalia Davis
Mazal tov to the amazing graduates and Todah Rabbah to Reb Jeff for your incredible leadership and rabbinic vision.
Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky and Aryeh Baronofsky
Carin and Eric Gribetz and Family
Paola Tartakoff
Esther Dreifuss-Kattan
Ruth Licht
In honor of the semikha recipients + Rabbi Jeffrey Fox
Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler and Daniel Feit and Family Zierler Feit
Lynn and Alexander Kaye
We are overjoyed that you join the ranks of rabbanim and rabbaniot, Sarit! May your flourish, and go מחיל אל חיל!
Irit, David, Leora, Ella, Matan, and Netta Goldman
Mazal Tov on your executive ordination! We are grateful to count you as an inspirational role model and dear friend
Anat & Ariel Sharbat Freidenberg
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Rhonda and Michael Gribetz
Mazal Tov to all the outstanding Maharat Semhika Graduates. Sarit, we are so incredibly proud of your dedication, commitment, and love of Torah learning and teaching. We are in awe of your boundless energy and intellect. We are excited for the many students who will be inspired by your amazingly creative approach to teaching. We love you so very much.

Love, Mom and Dad (Rhonda and Michael)
Carin and Erica, Alexa, Charles and William
Orit and Seth, Tali, Maya, Niki and Joseph
Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower & Rabbi Dov Linzer
A hige Mazel tov to the mushmachot! Mazel tov and hakarat ha tov to our colleague, Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Jeff Fox.
Maya Bernstein and Noam Silverman
Mazal Tov to the musmakhot and to Rav Jeff - your leadership inspires us all.
Daniela, Sophie, Max, and Jonathan Gribetz
Mazal tov to our Mamaharat! We are so proud of you.
Ellen Lacher
We are so proud of you and love you so much️️️The Lachers'
Amy Newman
With much love to my classmates Sarit and Rina, and my teacher Rav Jeff. We are all so lucky to learn from you!
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