Rina Krautwirth
Rina Krautwirth majored in Biology at Barnard College. She is a Drisha Scholar’s Circle graduate and also holds a Master’s degree in Modern Jewish History from YU and an MLIS from Queens College. Rina has served on the young leadership board of the New York chapter of the Israel Cancer Research Fund and interned at the American Museum of Natural History.  Rina is interested in the intersection between science and Judaism and has both written articles and spoken on the topic. Additionally, she has authored an article for Researchers Remember, an anthology of writings by children of Holocaust survivors.
Michal and Marc Arkovitz
Mazal Tov to all the new musmachot! Mazal Tov Rav Jeff! And Mazal Tov to the whole Maharat family!
Sally Schuss
Rina, you will make a meaningful difference in the Jewish community. Congratulations on this momentous achievement!
Sally Schuss
Rina, you will make a meaningful difference in the Jewish community. Congratulations on this momentous achievement!
Debbie Veetal
Aliza Sperling and Josh Milner and Family
Mazal tov to the amazing graduates! Thank you Reb Jeff for leading with compassion and integrity.
Helene and Allan Lockspeiser
Michele Antis
Mazal Tov to Rina Krautwirth and all the musmakhot on your amazing accomplishment! So proud of you! Love, Michele
Lisa Kleinmann
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
R. Liz and R. Tanya Shayne and Farber
Ellen and Jack Hollander
Kol hakavod and mazel tov to Rav Jeffrey and to all the graduates.
Max and Dalia Davis
Mazal tov to the amazing graduates and Todah Rabbah to Reb Jeff for your incredible leadership and rabbinic vision.
Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky and Aryeh Baronofsky
Rabba Rachel and Rabbi Avi Finegold
With deep gratitude to R Jeff Fox for his bold and compassionate rabbinic leadership. Mazal Tov to the musmakhot!
Ruth Licht
In honor of the semikha recipients + Rabbi Jeffrey Fox
Rabbi Dr. Wendy Zierler and Daniel Feit and Family Zierler Feit
Anat & Ariel Sharbat Freidenberg
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Laura Csillag
Rabbanit Devorah Zlochower & Rabbi Dov Linzer
A hige Mazel tov to the mushmachot! Mazel tov and hakarat ha tov to our colleague, Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Jeff Fox.
Maya Bernstein and Noam Silverman
Mazal Tov to the musmakhot and to Rav Jeff - your leadership inspires us all.
Amy Newman
With much love to my classmates Sarit and Rina, and my teacher Rav Jeff. We are all so lucky to learn from you!
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