Leah Fine
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Leah Fine is a Jewish educator and has taught, administered, and innovated curriculum within a wide range of formal and informal settings. She holds an MA in Modern Jewish History from Yeshiva University and credentials in elementary and special education from California State University. Leah has studied at Pardes, Drisha, the Melton Senior Educators Fellowship at the Hebrew University, and most recently participated in the i-Center Fellowship. Leah is co-author of Where God Dwells: A Child’s History of the Synagogue with her husband, Steven Fine, with whom she loves to hike the world of Chazal.
Howard Bierman
Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstst and Abe Eisenstat
Mazal tov to our amazing friends, colleagues, chevrutot, teachers, care providers, leaders, guides, wise souls and just general all around superstars. The rabbinate is blessed to have y’all join the ranks!
Adina and Farryl Roth
Naima Hirsch Gelman
Mazal tov to Klal Yisrael on the semikha of my compassionate and erudite classmates!
Dr. Sarah Stemp
Rabbi Marianne Novak and Dr. Noam Stadlan
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Rabbi Sharyn Perlman & Burt Falkenstein
Diane and James Savitz
Peter Justin Moon Schertz
Elaine Machleder
Mazal tov to Leah and all the graduates
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Shira Gordon
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
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