Miriam Lorie
Miriam was raised in Borehamwood, UK, where she lives today with her husband and two sons. Miriam was always fascinated with religions. She studied Theology at Cambridge University and worked in inter faith dialogue for seven years, but her love for Judaism has been the most transformative journey. Miriam has studied at Midreshet Harova and the Pardes Institute in Jerusalem. She has taught scores of bat mitzvah students, and as an Eden Centre trained pre-marriage teacher, she prepares engaged couples. Miriam is a BBC Pause for Thought contributor and writes for various publications. She serves as the Rabbi in Training (soon to be simply “Rabbi”) at Kehillat Nashira, the Borehamwood Partnership Minyan which she co-founded 10 years ago. 

The banner I just walked under reads אֲחֹתֵנוּ אַתְּ הֲיִי לְאַלְפֵי רְבָבָה
The words used to send off my matriarch Rivka as she embarked on a life changing journey.
The words “Our sister! May you grow into thousands of myriads”, illustrate the phenomenal numerical blossoming of this Yeshiva, this movement.
But these words are also an aspiration for our spiritual development as religious leaders, an aspiration for us to always be on a journey of qualitative growth. To live an אַלְפֵי רְבָבָה of stories, conversations, questions, deepening; of yearning to become a better rabbi and a better person in the world.
Like me, Rivka, setting out on her journey, was not alone. She had immense support from Eliezer and her childhood nurse Devorah. I too walk under this banner with so much support.
Rivka, setting out on her journey, understood boundaries. She veiled herself before meeting Yitzhak. I too, will try to understand when holding back is better than limitless giving.
Rivka didn’t always have perfect poise.When she saw Yitzhak, וַתִּפֹּל מֵעַל הַגָּמָל She actually fell off the camel! I too will try to learn to tumble well.
Rivka lived a life of multiple competing loyalties. Her journey was not straightforward. It contained אַלְפֵי רְבָבָה in many senses. But, like Avraham, Rivka journeyed resolutely forwards, for her people and for Hashem.
The words up there were said to Rivka as she began her journey of numerical and spiritual growth. Rivka responded as I respond: אֵלֵךְ - “I will journey”!

Thank you, first and foremost to Harris, who really should be receiving a certificate for the past five years of work alongside me. As the Yeshiva day picked up with seder after the lunch break, it was 6:30pm in the UK, and on countless evenings Harris did bath and bedtime solo for our two boys. He humoured hasty handovers, my half-presence over dinner with an earbud in while I listened to meetings and shiurim, and evenings spent working until at least 10pm. He also supported and encouraged me deeply from the outset and continues to give me the best advice and pep talks. I’m so grateful, Harris, for the pride you feel at my semikha, and for you being an even bigger feminist than me. I hit the jackpot with you. Thank you.
Thank you Noam and Hugo, our amazing boys, for understanding all the evenings I’ve been in classes and for all the times you’ve had a quick kiss and cuddle at bedtime rather than the storytimes and hide-and-seek we usually enjoy. But more than this, I’m so impressed with your interest in Maharat. You know my teachers and fellow students’ names off by heart, whether you love appearing on screen (Hugo) or are mortified by the idea (Noam). You totally get why I want to be a rabbi, and are very proud that “mummy is a rabbi”. Thank you for all your support and love.
Thank you to my parents for their pride and support in so many ways. Dad - you’ve sort of got your wish of me becoming a lawyer, but in a way that neither of us could have dreamed! Mum - thank you for having the most attentiveness and concern of anyone about me having “a lot going on” - it means a lot. Thank you for backing this path and advocating for it wherever you can, and thank you for coming to New York in June. Bring on the steak!
To my in-laws Helen and Hilton. Thank you for your pride and support, particularly in making my trips to the USA possible. There must have been almost 10 trips over my 5 years when you made the journey down to Borehamwood to do school runs, dinners, baths, laundry and dishes so I could be with my fellow students and teachers face-to-face for a bit. This was such an important part of my student experience. Thank you also for coming to New York for semikha - it’s an “above and beyond” gesture from in-laws and I’m very grateful.
To Leo, Judith, Ruthie, Ben, Frederika and Kaladerhan. Hashem chose amazing siblings for us, and you chose phenomenal spouses. Thank you for all your love, support, pride, rabbi themed presents, divrei Torah, silly memes and for being the absolute best of the best.
To my Grandma Margot and Grandma Shirley - you are my original role models. I love you both incredibly deeply. Thank you for all your support and encouragement. And yes grandma Shirley, “the rabbi still is wearing her jeans”.
So many others have helped me get to this point. This is not an exhaustive list, but focuses on those who have really inspired and helped this rabbinical journey so far.
Maureen Kendler z”l wrote in an email dated February 2016 “Maybe a Maharat route is for you? That would make me very happy.” Oh Maureen, how I wish you’d been here for the past five years. I hope this is making you very happy where you are now. You are so missed.
Yon Borthwick, the ace coach who has helped me step into the decision to undertake semika with joy. Yon’s mantra “you’re a dancer not a warrior - just keep dancing and whoever wants to join you will”, has sustained my last five years and will continue to, far into the future.
Thank you Debbie Danon for connecting me to Yon, for your own phenomenal coaching, for your support as a friend and fellow rebel over the years, and for your wisdom on going freelance.
Thank you Rabbanit Aliza Sperling, Talmud teacher extraordinaire who skillfully fast-forwarded the Gemara education I needed to start semikha and believed I was up to the task.
Thank you to fearless first UK trail-blazer Rabba Dina Brawer. You are such a huge inspiration! You and Rabbi Naftali Brawer were deeply supportive in the early days of Kehillat Nashira. Thank you.
Thank you Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz - they say that the second person to do a new thing is a leader in their own right. You are just the most brilliant, adored teacher and lovely person.
Rabbanit Ramie Smith - thank you for bringing your fearless work for justice, your learning and your charisma to London and to everthing you do. I’m so grateful that Hashem brought you and our “Giddles” together - some amazing ripples have come from that.
Rabbi Eryn London - I’ve so appreciated our friendship, your honesty and your support. Your chaplaincy and pastoral experience is second to none and your advice in this area has been so appreciated.
Rabbi Daniel Lichman. After more than 20 years of talking about all the Big Questions together, Dan, isn’t it great that we’re now both rabbis?! It’s less journey’s end than journey’s beginning I suspect. Thank you for a truly special friendship.
Dr Tamra Wright - you mentored me for the first decade of my working life, through fun and difficult conversations, pay negotiations and job interviews. You always encouraged me to disregard my internal barriers. Thank you.
To my Pardes teachers R.Rahel Berkovitz, Leah Rosenthal, Judy Klitsner, R.Alex Israel, R.Zvi Hirschfield, Aviva Lauer Golbert, R.Nechama Goldman Barash and others - you take the credit / blame for cementing the idea that this Jewish study thing is worth dedicating a future to. You’ve also all (almost all?) now been visiting scholars at Kehillat Nashira, which is a huge honour and delight.
R.David Levin-Kruss - I missed you at Pardes but you’ve been very generous with coaching over the years. Your way of being - deep yet almost sweetly humble and vulnerable in your Torah teaching - is a real model for me.
Gila Fine - I first admired you as a superstar teacher and now feel fortunate to call you a friend. Thank you for your support, inspiration, and belief in me. You continue to show the rest of us how to do this on another level of wow, and in a consummately professional way.
Yael Unterman - After fan-girling you for years, in 2010 I plucked up the courage to ask you to train me in facilitating Bibliodrama. That kick-started a friendship which sits alongside my continuing appreciation of your work. Thank you for the unique lens you hold up to Torah.
R.Joe Wolfson - childhood friend, today friend, Rabbi icon and giver of deep support. So much more could be said but I wouldn’t know where to start or stop. You also chose well with Corrinne Shmuel - there is nobody better in the world to watch Barbie with, laugh and cry with about its relevance to our lives, and to sit next to on a park bench sharing everything with each other, while our kids play.
Jo Grose - my admiration for you began witnessing you launch the Borehamwood women’s megillah reading and support it through to being established. Your leadership now is on another level. Thank you for ALL you do for the community, and for our friendship.
Jo Greenaway - thank you for being a fellow traveller on a not dissimilar path. Your hard work and leadership wow me. I’ve loved our walks and talks through the green areas of North London and look forward to continuing these.
R. Dr. Raphael Zarum - thank you for having the grace to co-teach your phenomenal Torah L’Am course with me. You've taught me so much about teaching, rabbiing and the UK Jewish community.
Sally Berkovic - thank you for your support, advice, deliciously difficult questions, and yes, even your healthy dose of cynicism. I love our conversations and think you’re great.
Matt Plen - your mentoring on community development started at just the right time, has been hugely helpful, and I know is going to continue to be crucial. Thank you for your wisdom, ideas and of course for the great falafel.
Dayan Dr Michael Harris - thank you for being a mentor and inviting me to teach in your shul. You put halacha, decency and truth before anything else. I deeply admire your learning, your principles and your kindness.
Rabbi Miriam Berger - the original Rabbi Miriam! I loved my internship at FRS, which has to be one of the UK’s most exciting shuls. I’ve learnt a huge amount from your vision and leadership.
To the Kehillat Nashira trustees - Rachel Harris, Daniel Benedyk, Gaby Scher, Steph Woodrow, Chana Baram and Jonny Hart. Also to founding Trustees and Gabbaiim Laurie Scher and Sara Garfield And to the whole Kehillat Nashira community: someone recently said that you receive semikha from the acceptance of your community, more than from the rabbis who write the certificate. I am forever grateful for that acceptance, and for being the place I can do “the work”. Every volunteer in Kehillat Nashira, from the Trustees, to team, service leaders, leiners and beyond, do what they do because they believe in our vision of an inclusive, spiritual orthodox community. I hope I can do justice to being your rabbi.
Not directly connected to my studies but thank you Gaby and Laurie Scher for a wonderful friendship and collaboration on community and family projects alike over the years. I have so much admiration, respect and love for you both.
To the Kol Rina community, and among your great leaders Benedict Roth and Avi Frieberger who have been particularly supportive. Kol Hakavod on the wonderful community you have built. Looking forward to building more together.
To my students - adults and bnei mitzvah age (and of course your parents) - learning with you is the absolute highlight of each day. It’s totally true that you can learn as much from your students as from your teachers. Thank you.
To Lauren Hamburger and everyone at JOFA UK - thank you for your support and for building a vision of growing and supporting this kind of work even more.
To my Yeshivat Maharat teachers - Rabba Sara Hurwitz, Rabbi Avi Weiss, Rabba Wendy Amsellem, Rabbi Jeff Fox, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Maya Bernstein, Dr Esther Altmann, Rabbi Erin Leib-Smokler, Reb Tanya Bella Farber and Rabbanit Dr Liz Shayne… I could write an essay about each of you and the teaching, development, support and care you’ve given. The learning experience at Maharat has been beyond a privilege to undertake. Education really is everything. Thank you so much for this gift.
Finally to my Yeshivat Maharat colleagues. It has been incredible being part of a community with you, and learning from your Torah, your skills, your insights, emotional literacy, wisdom, passions, cultures, communities and above all, your friendship. אוֹ חַבְרוּתָא אוֹ מִיתוּתָא Please come and be scholars in residence at Kehillat Nashira in Borehamwood and see the UK at the same time - win win!
Anat Sharbat
Mazal Tov to all the musmachot, and to Yeshivat Maharat. We pray for the chatufim, the chayalim, and the Akurim.
Rabbi Jason Herman, Executive Director, International Rabbinic Fellowship
Mazel Tov to everyone at Yeshiva Maharat and Yasher Kochachot to all the musmakhot. May you go mechayil el chayil!
Anna Hutt Fredman
Sarit and Jonathan Gribetz
Mazal tov Meytal, Yedidah, Dena, Meira, Rivka, Talia, Leah, Adina, Tamar, Miriam, Naima, and Rabba Sara! So proud of you!!!
Rabba Wendy Amsellem and Rabbi Mike Moskowitz
We are so inspired by what you have accomplished and so excited for the wonderful transformative work that you will do!
Wendy Goulston Heligman
Liz Shayne (and Family)
Mazal tov to all of you! It was such a zechut to learn with you and from you and to be part of your Maharat journey!
Hilton and Helen Lorie
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Rabbi Dr. Jeni S. Friedman
Iain Mobbs
Miriam might be the most impressive person I've ever met, and I'm so delighted for her. Congratulations to you all.
Rabbis Dina & Naftali Brawer
Mazal Tov to Miriam Lorie, her family, and the entire Kehillat Nashira! Mazal Tov to all the musmakhot and to their communities!
Lauren and Neil Hamburger
Mazal tov Miriam Lorie and all the musmakhot on their inspiring achievements!
Mazel Tov to Miriam and all her colleagues on this wonderful achievement! Sending all best wishes, Shelly and Michael Kassen
Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstst and Abe Eisenstat
Mazal tov to our amazing friends, colleagues, chevrutot, teachers, care providers, leaders, guides, wise souls and just general all around superstars. The rabbinate is blessed to have y’all join the ranks!
Adina and Farryl Roth
Naima Hirsch Gelman
Mazal tov to Klal Yisrael on the semikha of my compassionate and erudite classmates!
Dr. Sarah Stemp
Rabbi Marianne Novak and Dr. Noam Stadlan
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Carol and Jonathan Arkush
Shelley Einfeld
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