Adina Roth
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Adina Roth is a Jewish educator and Clinical Psychologist in Sydney, Australia. After spending a year in Jerusalem studying at Pardes and coordinating the Kol Isha women’s leadership programme, Adina returned to South Africa and completed a Masters in Contemporary Literature comparing Hassidic and Post-Modern readings of Bereishit. She then went on to do a second Masters at New York University on a Fulbright scholarship, where she did her thesis on post-colonial and psychoanalytic readings of Shemot. While in New York, Adina studied at Drisha and simultaneously discovered yoga and free-style dance classes. Since then she has remained interested in integrating intellectual experiences with the body. After her time in New York, Adina returned to South Africa and founded B’tocham Education, an after-school programme for B’nei Mitzvah. She has developed a full curriculum for her students and integrates art and poetry into her pedagogy. She also teaches girls as well as boys to leyn for their coming of age rituals. In addition to taking b’nei mitzvah through traditional rites of passage such as Torah chanting and d’var Torah, Adina’s bat mitzvah students spend a day in the mountains, creating innovative Jewish ritual to mark and welcome the changes taking place in their bodies.
Tamar Rabinowitz
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Adele and Alan Farber
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Samantha Kur and Evan Hochberg
Mazal tov,Adins! No doubt your spiritual guidance and wisdom will infuse many neshamot with a love of Judaism.
Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstst and Abe Eisenstat
Mazal tov to our amazing friends, colleagues, chevrutot, teachers, care providers, leaders, guides, wise souls and just general all around superstars. The rabbinate is blessed to have y’all join the ranks!
Adina and Farryl Roth
Naima Hirsch Gelman
Mazal tov to Klal Yisrael on the semikha of my compassionate and erudite classmates!
Polonsky-Vaang Family
Adina, we have so much love and admiration for you! Mazel tov to you and all the women at Maharat!
Rabbi Marianne Novak and Dr. Noam Stadlan
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Ian and Annette Kavin
Julie Sissman and Phil Richter
Mazal tov, Adina! We are thrilled to celebrate you at this milestone. The world is so lucky to have you in this role! We love you!
Pamela Gelman
Lydia and Kenneth Polonsky
Shelley Einfeld
Dodi and Jonathan Spielman and Family
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
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