Rivka Wietchner
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Rivka Wietchner is a rabbinical student in Yeshivat Maharat and writing about gender and halakha as a graduate student in Bar Ilan University. She holds an MA in Theory and Policy of Art from Bezalel Academy of Art and is a member of the Israeli Rabbinate Network and an RLI fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute.
Previously, she was part of various Beit Midrash programs and served as halakha director in Midrashiya High School for Girls and as an OU-JLIC Co-Director and Educator at University of Chicago Hillel. She is originally from Har Bracha in Samaria, Israel and now lives in Jerusalem. She is a mother of four amazing kids and married to David, a rabbi and doctoral student at Bar Illan University. She believes in connection between different leaders and communities and hopes to develop a unique and inclusive halakhic voice by bringing together cultural theories and deep Torah study.

Avital Morris
Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstst and Abe Eisenstat
Mazal tov to our amazing friends, colleagues, chevrutot, teachers, care providers, leaders, guides, wise souls and just general all around superstars. The rabbinate is blessed to have y’all join the ranks!
Adina and Farryl Roth
Avita Engelberg
Naima Hirsch Gelman
Mazal tov to Klal Yisrael on the semikha of my compassionate and erudite classmates!
Dr. Sarah Stemp
Rabbi Marianne Novak and Dr. Noam Stadlan
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
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