Dr. Meira Wolkenfeld
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Meira serves as rabbanit at Congregation Beth Israel in Berkeley, CA. She earned her doctorate in Talmud from Yeshiva University in 2022. Her project focused on the sense of smell in the world of the Babylonian Talmud. She also studied at the Graduate Program in Advanced Talmudic Studies (GPATS) at Stern College after earning her BA in Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations and Cultures at UCLA. She has taught at Nyack College, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, and the Drisha High School Program.

Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky and Ari Baronofsky
Avital Morris
Quarantine Mamas
Mazel tov Meira on your semicha!! Love, Quarantine Mamas (Yael, Yael, Rachel, Amanda, Nava, Esty, Tamar, Gilana)
Rabbanit Tamar Green Eisenstst and Abe Eisenstat
Mazal tov to our amazing friends, colleagues, chevrutot, teachers, care providers, leaders, guides, wise souls and just general all around superstars. The rabbinate is blessed to have y’all join the ranks!
Rabbi Marianne Novak and Dr. Noam Stadlan
Congratulations to all the musmakhot on your accomplishment!
Desmid Lyon
Carol & Jim Cunradi
Mazal tov to everyone at Yeshivat Maharat!
Morissa & Andy Rubin
Dear Rabbanit Meira, We could not be more happy and proud. With much love, Mom & Dad Morissa & Andy Rubin
Preston and Anya Grant
We are delighted and honored to have Dr. Meira Wolkenfeld as a leader in our community.
Mickey and Rena Wolkenfeld
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