Message from the President
I’m thrilled to invite you to Ansche Chesed’s 2023 gala, honoring Bena & Gustavo Medjuck-Bruckner; Elaine Morris, Elisheva Urbas & David Morris; and Deb & Sol (Mosh) Mowshowitz.
“Welcome! Ask me about  Ansche Chesed'' isn't just a tag Bena and Gustavo wear.  It’s their neshama.  On Shabbat, we all feel their welcoming embrace, as they’re surrounded by their kinderlach, greeting old friends and newcomers alike.  Bena serves on the Ansche Chesed’s Board of Trustees and co-chairs our Family and Youth Education Committee. Gustavo has raised funds for the Rav Chesed campaign.
Elaine, Elisheva and David’s involvement in Minyan Ma’at spans four decades and three generations. Elaine, who has a passion for Hebrew literature, has served on the Board of Trustees and focused on education issues. Her husband Ron, of blessed memory, was our Treasurer for many years.  Elisheva runs our women’s Chevra Kadisha, leads services at Ma’at, is renowned for her d’vrei torah, and has skillfully shepherded the minyan through important decisions.  David has served our community in many capacities: as a trustee, on the Executive Committee, and as Vice President, along with teaching people to leyn for many years. And in the coming weeks Ronit, a member of the family's of the third generation, will be leading davening on five.
And then there are the new kids on the block, Deb and Mosh, who arrived at Ansche Chesed in the 1970s and helped found the West Side Minyan. Deb was an Ansche Chesed trustee and on the Executive Committee, has participated in the Chevra Kadisha, and served on the rabbi search committee. Mosh has taught courses at AC and has periodically led the Wednesday Talmud class. They’re our matriarch and patriarch. 
A big yasher koach to our talented gala co-chairs, Patty Goldman & Sara Harris, and their hard working team: Jen Cowan, Brigitte Golde, Kathy Kendall, Sara Krulwich, Sara Plevan Shapiro, David Shapiro, and Debra Weinstein for creating a celebratory and meaningful evening for us all to enjoy.  
After two remote galas and a years-long renovation, this year’s tribute (in our beautiful new space!) is the celebration we’ve all been waiting for.
Dawn Kellman
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