Dinner and Journal Chairs
Marilyn and Dr. Leonard Bielory
Dolores and Sol Greenfield
Bobbi and Mel Ostrow
Danielle and Reuven Pepper
Sherry and Henry Stein
Miriam and Josh Stern
Audrey and Zygmunt Wilf
Dinner and Journal Committee
Beth and Marty Aron
Jessica Bienenfeld
Sharon and Avi Borenstein
Michele and Eytan Burstein
Diane and Rick Covkin
Mina and David Frank
Sheila and Adam Hanover
Daniella and Ben Hoffer
Alisa and Jeffrey Kigner
Mandi and John Ricard
Debbie and Moshe Rosenwein
Miryam and Josh Smilow
Sondra Tammam
Pearla and Norman Weisman
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