Message From The Executive Director
We all know what happened in 2020 – it can’t be said enough how devastating the year was.
Now, we turn a corner, and we start to rebuild.
We have a theme for this year – we are building a bridge to our 50th Anniversary (in-person!) Gala Celebration. I can’t help but point out the generosity of our supporters, thank you. With a few sizable donations ten of our most recent scholarship recipients are continuing with their academic hopes and dreams. Amidst everything we continue with the renovation of a Retreat House in Fallsburg – opening in the summer of 2021 – and we installed a new hot water system in the entire Fallsburg property! Yes, graduates – there will be no more cold showers.
I want to acknowledge our deep appreciation for those who have been fair and supportive. You have stood by us through the many challenges we experienced – we have weathered a vicious storm this past year, let me assure you that we will always do our very best – thank you for your support!
We have always operated under the belief that every individual in our care deserves an individual treatment plan that supports their recovery. A holistic approach including, family, education, and mental health services coupled with a good support network; a main ingredient that is often missing in what young people and their families desperately need.
So, goodbye 2020!
I was puzzled at one time about the meaning of the old adage “no good deed goes unpunished”. I think maybe now I understand.
This new bridge will take us to a place where we will be better, and we will stay strong so that more people can leave the grips of addiction and join the freedom of recovery!
We will battle on – God bless us all.
William A. Fusco
Executive Director
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