Message From The Chair, Board of Directors

We hope that you and your loved ones are well. I am honored to be writing this message to you as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and on behalf of my fellow Board members.
DYC has a proud legacy of services to the community, and we look forward to continuing our work helping young people and their families. Our vision remains the same: to provide quality program services to anyone in need of our assistance.
As we reflect on these past fifty-three years, we see ups and downs; most of all we reflect on so many lives that have changed and the many families reunited. We are so proud of our staff, members, alumni, families, and supporters who have been with DYC through this journey.
On November 1, 2023, we will be celebrating our 53rd Anniversary. We are excited to be sharing this special day with so many of you and we hope you will join us. Through the years we were always so grateful to our many supporters – without you we could never have accomplished what we have today. So again, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I thank you and look forward to celebrating recovery and our message of hope for a better future in our fight to end the opioid epidemic.
Josephine Portuesi
Chair, Board of Directors
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