Message From The Executive Director

As we enter our 54th year, I cannot help but think about how this all started. As cliché as it may be, it started simply with a day at a time. We centered our focus on doing our best for that new person coming in the door and their family.  No matter what the circumstances were, we would be there.
Starting from scratch, we would find a way every day to improve the program. It simply was a way for me to give back. But here is why we are here fifty-three years later. What a great team we have, and always had, willing to go above and beyond. They are what made and makes Dynamite great.
To mention a few of our Board - Sandy Savona, Naomi Ferro, King Bankhead, Howard Rosenblatt, and most recently, Rick Thompson; these past chairperson’s carried DYC in its early days. In the present day, Josephine Portuesi, Pat Peterson, Marge Loughlin, carry the board. They have helped carry DYC throughout the good times and the tough times.
The key reason for the success of our fifty-three years is the talent and dedication of the staff who keep our program focused and strong. I would like to single out Ed Kenny; when I walk around our Upstate campus, I am in awe. The fact is, none of this campus would have been built if not for Ed’s unconditional resolve to get it done. It was amazing. Karen, as well, from our beginnings until now, plays an indispensable role in DYC’s success.
The contributions of Mark Howard, Nick Salerno, Cecil Landon, and currently, Jen Reinhardt, Jim S, Scott L, Debbie R, Barbara Sarnelli, Marina N, Jesus M, Deidre M, Danny E; those are just a few of what makes DYC so special.

I know I could not mention all, but what I’m trying to say is, sure I was here from the beginning, but the real story becomes to all those past and present. For this, we have been extraordinarily blessed.
I also acknowledge the courage and commitment of each and every member who has come through our doors. Again, it’s the team that makes it happen and our 53rd year we have a lot to be thankful for. Always go forward and stay committed.
God Bless.
-Bill F.
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