Liam Deegan
Grand Marshal
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Born in Tullamore, County Offaly, Liam immigrated to the United States in 1985 via South Africa. He first settled in Bedford Park in the Bronx, followed by a stint in Woodlawn, and moved to Eastchester in 1990. Liam and his wife, Cathleen, have three children- Ryan, Kate, and Cara.

Liam first started work in the Carpenter’s Union in White Plains and started Minch Construction in 1988, specializing in apartment renovations in the greater New York City area.

Liam joined the club over 30 years ago and soon became President. Liam is honored to have been a part of the club with some of the founding members, Mary Denning, Beatrice McHugh, Larry Nangle, and Eamonn Fitzpatrick, among others. Liam aided in the transition of the club to the younger generation.

Quote: “I am indebted to the Irish immigrants that came here and paved the way for myself and millions of others as they navigated their new country. God bless America.”
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