Elizabeth Schaefer
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Elizabeth Schaefer, who is originally from Miami, Florida has lived in Eastchester for 26 years with her husband, Kevin. They have 2 children, Kathryn, a 2nd grade teacher in New Rochelle and Brendan, who is in finance. Beth is currently the Membership Secretary of the EIASC. She also co-chaired the Gala for three years and often does volunteer work for the club with her co-honoree Connie Cullen.
She is a sustainer in the Junior League of Bronxville, having served on the Board of Directors. Beth was involved with the Lake Isle Swim and Dive Team for many years, serving in a variety of positions including President. She was also on the Westchester County Swimming Association board.
She is general counsel to a small company in Yonkers. Beth graduated from Purdue University and Gonzaga University School of Law. Although her heritage does not include Irish, she is Irish through the many friendships she has made in EIASC.

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