Rabbi Mitchell M. Hurvitz
Community Service Award
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Rabbi Mitchell M. Hurvitz (Rabbi Mitch as he is affectionately known) is the Senior Rabbi at Temple Sholom in Greenwich, Connecticut.  Rabbi Mitch is a Rabbi, scholar, teacher, community activist, and is recognized as one of the prominent religious leaders in the Greenwich area and beyond. In addition to leading Temple Sholom, Rabbi Mitch has been actively involved in the local interfaith community and is the leader of the Greenwich Fellowship of Clergy and co-founder of the Sholom Center for Interfaith Learning and Fellowship. A regular contributor to the Greenwich Times, he is also co-author of The Encyclopedia of Judaism for Facts on File. Rabbi Mitch is a frequent guest speaker at synagogues and churches, study groups, community institutions, and universities. He is a charismatic personality who engages individuals and stimulates hearts and minds.
Rabbi Mitch and the Greenwich community have been long-time supporters of the Emunah Sarah Herzog Children’s Center in Afula, Israel. Rabbi Mitch has visited the home many times, and together with his community raised significant funds for the children-at-risk living in the Afula residential home.
Rabbi Mitch was born in Boston and raised in Palo Alto, California. He earned a BA in History at UCLA, a Master of Hebrew Letters from the University of Judaism, and a second MA degree in Jewish Studies and Rabbinic Ordination with a concentration in Rabbinic Literature and Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary. Rabbi Mitch and his wife Roseanne are the parents of Simon, Naomi, Ezra, and Faith, and their son-in-law Cody.
Emunah of America is proud and grateful for Rabbi Mitch’s friendship and his community’s involvement on behalf of the Afula home. The Greenwich community partnership is an essential piece to our success.
Robert and Hiroko Davidow
In honor of Rabbi Mitch and the unique relationship between Temple Sholom and the Emunah Home in Afula.
Nina W Werblow Charitable Trust
Rick and Barbara Levy 0
Congratulations on this deserved honor. We wish we could be with you. Best always, Rick and Barbara Levy
Ariel and Ilene Manacher Manacher
Toni and Reuven Nayowitz
Mazel Tov to the honorees, and Hakarot ha Tov to the staff who are so dedicated to this worthy organization.
Francesca and Arnold Gordon Gordon
Our heartfelt congratulations to Rabbi Mitch and to the Temple Sholom students for this wonderful honor.
Rita Edelston
Congratulations on receiving this honor.
Joan and Bob Mann
Mazel Tov Rabbi Mitch. In In gratitude for your generous support of Emunah and your love for the State of Israel
Annon Annon
Jeremy and Ann Pava
Robin and Brian Linder
Mazel Tov Rabbi Mitch
Naomi & Louis Tuchman
Sambuco Family Sambuco Family
Mazal Tov!
Sharon and Dan Abrams
Mazal Tov to Emunah and Rabbi Mitch Hurvitz, a legacy of leadership and making a wonderful difference in peoples lives! Love The Abrams Family
Sandy and Alex Solomon
Bran and Stuart Berni
Congratulations Rabbi Mitch for this well deserved Honor... The Berni Family
Esther and Paul Lerer
Mazel tov to all our wonderful Honorees and to our delightful & inspirational changemaker kids! Each of you together with the extraordinary Shirley Singer, Z"L, who remains in our heart, has made a difference in the lives of our Children in Israel.
Congrats to our dinner chairs, my sister Careena, and dear friends, Liz & Johanna, and to our extraordinary leadership headed by President Debbie & CEO Laurie. May we all go from strength to strength to make all of these children's dreams come true!
Esther & Paul Lerer
Paula Grossman
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Mitch on this special honor from Paula, Carin, and Leslie Grossman.
Lynn and Vernon Schwartz
Alexandra & David Hochman
In honor of Rabbi Mitch who leads by example with a loving heart and a generous spirit! Yasher Koach!!!
Shifra & Dani Bendheim
We are humbled to be recognized along with such esteemed honorees, Rabbi Mitchell Hurvitz and Shirley Singer A”H, by such a remarkable organization. Thank you to Emunah for the incredible work you do on behalf of those in need in Israel.
Kol Hakavod to all the Changemakers being honored- including Avigayil Berkowitz and Abby Chesner- you are an inspiration to us all.
Shifra and Dani Bendheim
Janet & Shalom Spitz
Mazal Tov to all the Honorees and in Honor of the vital work that Emunah does.

Janet and Shalom Spitz
Shelli & Harvey Dachs
Mazal Tov to the Honorees
In Memory of Shirley Singer a"h

Karen & Robert Spitalnick and Rena & Elliot Steigman
Kol Ha’kavod to our honorees

Shifra and Dani Bendheim
Rabbi Mitchell Hurvitz

In memory of

Shirley Singer z’l

whose life was filled with Emunah

Karen and Robert Spitalnick
Rena & Elliot Steigman
Gisela Steigman
Mindy & Muttie Stein
In loving memory of Shirley Singer Z"L, our dear friend, mentor, and dedicated, selfless and inspirational leader, who has made such a difference in the lives of our Emunah children and families, and so many others. We will always miss and remember Shirley with love! Shirley enriched our lives!

Mazal Tov to Shifra and Dani Bendheim on receiving the Dor L'Dor Award. Shifra and Dani, you are our new generation of leaders, and your efforts are helping raise Emunah's children, who represent Israel's future. Shifra, thank you for your outstanding leadership as our Emunah Libby Kolb chapter President, and for your devotion and dedication to Am Yisrael. You are helping Emunah continue its life changing work, and we look forward to your continued leadership.

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Hurvitz on receiving the Community Service Award. Yours and your synagogue's work with our Emunah Afula Sara Herzog Children's Residential Home is improving the lives of so many children. Thank you!

Thank you to our fabulous President, Debbie Bienenfeld, talented and caring Dinner Chair people, Careena, Johanna and Liz, and to Laurie, Ronnie and Eli and all the volunteers for your usual creative and dedicated work in making this dinner a success! We are so proud of our Changemaker children.

Mindy and Muttie Stein
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