Serena Jacobs
Serena Jacobs is from New Rochelle, NY, and is currently a junior at NYU majoring in Psychology.  Serena was recruited by former Emunah Kol HaNearim alumna and Emunah staff member Sophia Alpert. Serena believes that Emunah KH helped her become the best version of herself. The love, support, and care she gives to the kids in the home is reciprocated, making her appreciate and cherish her own life while at the same time giving back. This connection continues to grow stronger and deeper, with relationships built over WhatsApp, Facetime, and in person visits during her trips to Israel. Serena is an inspiration and epitomizes the best of Emunah KH.  
Becca Hershkowitz
Jamie & Avi Weiss
Sora & Eli Grunstein
In honor of our dear friend
Ronnie Faber
You continue to inspire us with your positivity, dedication, and hard work on behalf of the Emunah Children

And Mazal Tov to Serena Jacobs on being an Emunah trailblazer - we are so proud of you!

Lots of Love,
Sora & Eli
Max, Emily, & David
Nicole Kinches
So proud of all the honorees and hope they continue to be great role models for many future generations. Mazal Tov!
Lorraine & Steve Goldsmith
Maren & Robbie Scharf
Tamar & Ross Rothenberg
Mazal Tov to all the honorees on their amazing work with Emunah!
Bari & Dani Erber
Ronnie thanks for all you have done and continue to do on behalf of Emunah. It is truly inspiring! Serena we are so proud of you. Keep up the amazing work!!
Chanie & Len Grunstein
Kol Hakavod to Ronnie for her dedication to Emunah. We are so proud of Serena Jacobs as she grows to be the next generation of Jewish leadership
Autumn & Bruce Mael & Family
Mazel Tov to all honorees especially Ronnie Faber & Serena Jacobs
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