Isabelle Punski
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Isabelle Punski cares deeply for the people around her. She volunteers for Chai Lifeline, delivering toys to sick children isolated at home because of the Pandemic. Before Covid she would visit sick children in the hospital bringing warmth and smiles, and giving parents some much needed respite. She studied sign language and began teaching non-verbal children how to communicate with their hands.
Upon receiving a certificate in Social Work, she began working at Maison Shalom as an Art Therapist with severely handicapped and special needs adults. Her patience, calming voice and soothing demeanor coupled with her desire to help, made her an asset to the staff at Maison Shalom.   

Isabelle is a much loved member of the community because she is always the first to offer to help anyone who needs it.

Isabelle is married to Moishe Punski and is the proud mother of 7 children, one of whom is a commander in the IDF.
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