Jody Quint
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Jody Quint has dedicated her life to creating beauty and to making sure that people feel good about themselves. In her work as a personal trainer, a job she has had for 30 years, she guides her clients to be healthy and motivates them to be happy with who they are.
Four years ago she began learning about container gardening. She quickly realized that gardening was therapeutic and her passion for gardening led her to open her own business. Jody adored the idea that she could help people beautify and enhance the outside of their homes, making them more welcoming.
Jody comes from a long line of Emunah Women. Her grandmother Jean Quint z'l was a longtime, dedicated Emunah member and would be so proud that her family has continued to help the children of Emunah.
Jody has three children, Sophie, Emma and Matthew. 
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