Harold Salters
Agudas Achim
Harold is wrapping up his second 2-year term as president of the Agudas Achim Congregation of Northern Virginia’s Men’s Club.  He’d go for a third, even though he is term-limited, but comparisons to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un make him nervous.  Harold has an interesting sense of humor.
Harold has been on his own Jewish journey of increasing interest and inquisitiveness about Torah and tradition.  And he credits it all to the increased Synagogue attendance and “walking the talk” when his son Evan got Bar Mitzvah’d 13 years ago.  He got involved in Men’s Club for the first time only because a past president, Elliot Parkin, asked him to.  He has become a committed advocate of our Men’s Club’s Israel Pilgrimage Scholarship Program that provides significant scholarships and financial support to our Congregation’s young people making a trip to Israel during the summer of those all-important high school years.
Harold is a native New Yorker, a graduate of Queens College (CUNY) and Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management.  He and his wife Caryl, a native of West Orange, NJ, met in Northern VA via the JCC and have been married for 28 years.  Their son Evan, a graduate of Temple University, lives and works in Philadelphia.  Harold is a wireless technology consultant these last 7 years. He invented this new role for himself after many years working as a federal regulatory director for T-Mobile in Washington, DC.  His family, Judaism and his Agudas Achim community are the pillars of his life.
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