Robyn Feuerberg
Beth Emeth
Robyn Feuerberg joined Congregation Beth Emeth (CBE) in 1992, shortly after moving to Virginia with her husband Stan and their daughters, Danielle & Amy.  Robyn’s synagogue life has included most every aspect of Jewish life at CBE.  Recently, Robyn’s volunteer efforts extended to the role of Kitchen Manager, when CBE’s former manager retired.  In prior years, Robyn chaired the search committees for CBE Executive Director, Interim Rabbi, and Permanent Rabbi. 
As part of the Yellow Candle project, Robyn has coordinated successful Holocaust Remembrance events at CBE to honor survivors and survivor families.  Robyn took the lead in fundraising and event planning for last May’s Tribute Shabbat for Morah Gwen Sloan.  She helped establish Sunday morning Minyan and Munch programs, and the popular monthly Music to our Ears Shabbat.   Robyn has produced the annual Yizkor Memorial booklet for more than a decade.  She has organized and led several February Disability and Awareness Shabbats for years. 
During the pandemic, she hosted “Zoom in My Room,” an online meeting for members to visit and share stories.  As VP of Administration, Robyn coordinated an ad hoc committee to revamp CBE’s Employee Handbook that is now in use.  Robyn has enjoyed serving as a “Floor Gabbai” and “Synagogue Greeter” for services.  She has been involved in Sisterhood, coordinating and leading many of the annual Sisterhood Shabbat services as well as assisting in the Sisterhood Gift Shop.  She has been closely involved with CBE’s Adult Programming, the Security Committee, Kitchen Committee, Membership Committee, and the Ritual Committee. 
Robyn is deeply honored and humbled that the members of CBE’s Men’s Club have chosen to recognize her volunteerism and name her the 2024 recipient of the Men’s Club Blue Yarmulke Person of the Year.   Robyn’s respect for CBE’s Men’s Club and all it does for the congregation makes this honor even more special. 
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