Zamir Choral Foundation
The Zamir Choral Foundation, created by Matthew Lazar, promotes choral music as a vehicle to inspire Jewish life, literacy, community, and connection to Israel. The Zamir Choral Foundation is guided by an expansive vision of vibrant Jewish identity across the generational, denominational and political continuums through the study and performance of Jewish music at the highest level of excellence.
Zamir is committed to:
Community: Pluralism and respect are immutable foundational values for us. The only thing that defines us is that we are sopranos, altos, tenors or basses.
Jewish literacy: Because choral music incorporates text singers learn Jewish history, culture and traditions through the pieces they sing.
Excellence: We work towards the highest level of music education and performance.
Love of Israel:  Zamir believes that musical partnerships and face-to-face relationships create friendships that last a lifetime and ensure continued strengthening and support for the Jewish state. Zamir has been going to Israel since 1967 for performance tours and missions, and for the past 15 years HaZamir has created meaningful connections between HaZamir singers in Israel and the United States.
Changing lives: Singing is a source of joy, healing, strength and unity. Unbreakable bonds of friendship are created and a lasting Jewish community is built.
All of this is done through our programs of the Foundation:
The North American Jewish Choral Festival – created by Matthew Lazar in 1990, bringing together individual singers and choirs from across North America, with a renowned staff of conductors and clinicians
HaZamir: The International Jewish Teen Choir – created by Matthew Lazar in 1993 to provide Jewish teens with the unique opportunity to sing high-level Jewish choral music, build community and connect to Jewish culture. 
HaZaPrep – the first Jewish choral preparatory program (established in 2017)
The Zamir Chorale - the leading voice of the Jewish choral movement, setting the standard for choirs in North America
The Zamir Chorale - the leading voice of the Jewish choral movement, setting the standard for choirs in North America
Zamir Noded - providing a high-level musical opportunity for young adults to sing in a Jewish choir with like-minded peers, including alumni of HaZamir: 
The Jewish Choral Conducting Institute – the newest initiative of the Zamir Choral Foundation, established through the generosity of Cantor Robert Lieberman and Rabbi Vicki Lieberman, to train the future leaders of the Jewish choral community  
Mandell Rosen Fund for New Music -  established in 2001 by Phyllis and Richard Rosen z’l, to expand the body of Jewish choral repertoire with works by internationally renowned composers
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