Dr. Jeffrey Lackner
Exceptional Leadership Award
Dr. Jeffrey Lackner is a clinical psychologist and social scientist at the University at Buffalo. Dr. Lackner received his doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Rutgers University after graduate degrees from the London School of Economics and the College of William and Mary where he met his wife, Ann Marie Carosella. Following residency at the University of Texas Medical School and a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Rochester, he joined the UB faculty in 1994. 
Dr. Lackner is a Full Professor at the Jacobs School of Medicine where he directs the Division of Behavioral Medicine in the Department of Medicine. He has developed an international reputation for developing and testing brief non-drug treatments for persistent pain disorders refractory to medical, rehabilitative and dietary therapies, identifying their active biobehavioral ingredients, for whom they are most effective, and their “real world” value. 
With support from the National Institutes of Health beginning in 1999, his research has strengthened our understanding of some of the most challenging chronic pain disorders and our ability to manage them safely and effectively in clinical practice. He has published extensively in medical and behavioral science journals. Cutting-edge work clarifying the interface of behavior and medicine has garnered Dr. Lackner many awards including the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and, most recently, membership into the Academy for Behavioral Medicine Research. 
Dr. Lackner is an active clinician in the division’s Behavioral Medicine Clinic (https://medicine.buffalo.edu/departments/medicine/divisions/behavioral-medicine.html).  His longstanding interest in scientific literacy influenced a feature of the newly developed UB medical education curriculum unique to US medical schools.
Jeff and Ann Marie have two adult children, Rachel and Benjamin. He has called Buffalo home since 1994 but still misses concerts at Red Rocks, Tex-Mex, using the mountains to determine directions, and watching his hometown Denver Broncos. He is immediate past president of Hillel of Buffalo. Jeff served on the Hillel task force in 2017 to map out Hillel’s revitalization. As president, he served as a bridge between Hillel and UB’s Medical School, launched Hillel’s Impact Society, and helped Hillel secure new grants from Hillel International and the Buffalo Jewish Federation to diversify student programming and retain top talent.
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