Words cannot express how appreciative I am that you are my father. It is a true blessing to be able to have the most hard-working, selfless, and determined person as my role model. You have always taught me the importance of working hard in order to achieve my goals. 
From a young age, I was inspired by your love and dedication to our family. You never stop giving to me, to our family, and to this community. Your desire to help everyone truly blows me away. The time and effort you put into everything you do exemplifies how much of a leader you are. You have instilled in me so many important values about religion, family, and hesed that I will continue to cherish every day. You do so much for this community, and it never goes unnoticed.
I will always look up to you in every way and I pray to follow in your footsteps. I am so grateful to have such an extraordinary person as my father. I will never be able to thank you enough for all you have done. 
Congratulations on this very well-deserved achievement. We are so proud of all of your accomplishments.
I love you forever,
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