Business Sponsorship
The Marlboro Kickoff Classic celebrates its 31st anniversary this Year.  It is a long lasting tradition for the Marlboro Soccer program and one of the largest public events in town.  Proceeds from the Tournament, including the Ad Journal, get utilized to support the program including things like funding for player development, equipment, facilities improvements, coaches education, scholarships etc. benefitting approximately 2,000 children in our community who participate in this wonderful recreational activity throughout the year.
Over the three-day weekend event, there will be hundreds of games played, thousands of players and spectators, and an incredible opportunity to make a difference. At this time, we are asking for your support, both for our players as well as our community.  Your support will not only influence the community, but it will also provide financial reward for your business.  With the high volume of people expected during the tournament weekend, your sponsorship commitment represents an opportunity for greater brand awareness and significant return on investment.
Again this year, we are offering multiple sponsorship levels as well as the ability to customize a sponsorship package that meets your advertising needs. 
For 2018…
  • Our digital ad journal will be on our club website for 12 months with hyperlinks to your company's own web site. Ads will be organized to make searching easy. Coaches, players and families will access our site and all of the ads throughout the year.The ad journal is mobile-friendly making for a positive experience for those accessing your ad via mobile phone or tablet.
  • Restaurants who purchase a sponsorship also have the option to add their menu to the coaches packet.
  • For sponsorships of $500 or more, we will include any coupons or literature that you might want to provide in our coaches packets.
To purchase your sponsorship, go online at  Choose a sponsorship level on our secure registration form. You will have the option to send a graphic ad or just text in your ad yourself. All ads are in color (Dimensions are 1000px (width) by 670px (height) with hyperlink to your website. You will receive an email receipt as soon as you complete the registration. Your contribution is tax deductible (our tax id# 27-3396128).
Thank you in advance for supporting our local community and for your commitment to our children.
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