Questions?  Refer to the contacts tab to email any questions.
How to submit ads:
Place you ad online by clicking on the "Place Ads" tab. You will receive an email receipt as soon as you complete the registration. Choose a sponsorship level on the secure registration form.

You are able to enter directly on the registration form your name as you would like it to appear on the home page scroll box and the text for the ad. You have an option to indicate if you will be sending a graphic ad instead of entering text or if you are sending a photo for your ad.
After checkout, you will receive a notification email with your ad details.
Early submissions are posted within days and receive more exposure on the event website!
Graphic ads should be sized 1000px (width) by 670px (height) in jpg or pdf format.
Ad graphics should be emailed to Jon Rothman at [email protected]
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