Nurse Toby Eizik
Hakarat Hatov Award
“If you love children, call Mr. Fox at (201) 567-0208 ext. 327.” This was the ad in the classified section that Nurse Toby answered when she was looking for a job after working in local hospitals for 14 years. Ever since then, Moriah has been her “home away from home.”
Over the course of over a decade, Toby Eizik, affectionately known as “Nurse Toby”, has tended to, bandaged, nurtured, comforted and assisted hundreds of Moriah students, many of whom now have their own children in school. Anyone who sends their children to Moriah is familiar with Nurse Toby’s lovable habits, like starting a phone conversation with “Everything is fine, no emergency, but…”, or being a stickler for precise and accurate medical records. Nurse Toby also uses Moriah as an outlet for her creative energy so that she can enhance special events with her special talents. Her resume includes The Lion King, siddur plays, past dinner choir presentations, and more. Nurse Toby and her husband Yaakov are the proud parents of Tamar and Josh, Elli and Selina & Naomi, and proud grandparents of Yitzchak Mordechai, Rivka Miriam, Aiden, Skyler and Jordan. Nurse Toby feels privileged to work at Moriah, and Moriah looks forward to her maintaining the high standard of care that she has worked hard to implement for many years to come.
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