Dara & Matthew
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Dara and Matthew Shatzkes are the extremely proud parents of Madison ('24), Emma ('26), and Nathan (’29) and have been a part of the Westchester Day School family since 2014. Dara is a New York City Public School teacher. She is a passionate advocate of education and Westchester Day School. Over the years, she has been active in advising the school on educational matters. Dara can be spotted at girls hockey games, numerous events, and occasionally on the carpool line. Matthew is a healthcare attorney and a partner at Bochner, PLLC. He serves on WDS’ Board of Trustees and has served on several committees of the Board including the Executive Committee and the Audit and Finance Committee. Matthew enjoys volunteering as a chaperone on class trips whenever he can.  Dara and Matthew strongly believe in the value of a Westchester Day School education. They are incredibly grateful to the Westchester Day School administration and faculty for meeting and supporting each of their children’s educational and emotional needs. 
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