Tamar and Josh Katz
Young Leadership Award
Arriving in West Philadelphia fifteen years ago with no plans to stay, Josh and Tamar have resided in Lower Merion for the last ten years. Tamar is an attending emergency medicine physician at the Jefferson Northeast hospitals, and Josh is a principal research scientist and group leader in the Pharma Solutions business for International Flavors & Fragrances in Wilmington, DE. Both have been involved with local Jewish institutions, with Josh serving on the Board of Lower Merion Synagogue and several of its committees, and Tamar with the Yoetzet Initiative of Greater Philadelphia. At Kohelet, Tamar is a member of the lower school education committee and chaired the 2019 scholarship campaign; Josh has been an active volunteer for STEM activities in both the lower and upper schools, including his teacher-favorite “Science of Chocolate” lecture. Passionate about strong secular and limudei kodesh studies, Kohelet was a major driver in keeping Josh and Tamar in Lower Merion. They are the proud parents of current KYLS students, Sima (KY ’29), Uri (KY ’31), and Gabriella (KY ’33), and future KY student, Livia (KY ’38).
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