Sisters Celebrating Together

Schaumburg, Illinois    July 16-19 



  • Delegates must have a proper registration badge to enter Convention sessions.
  • No one will be allowed into the Convention dining room without a registration badge.
  • Laws of Kashrut are observed throughout Convention. Only kosher food may be brought into the Convention. Catered meals may not be taken out of the dining room.
  • Men are required to wear kippot during meals and tefillot.
  • Due to allergies, perfume is not permitted throughout Convention.
  • Please make sure that your phone, watch, or any device is on silent throughout Convention.
  • In case of illness, a delegate must report to our Convention Nurse, Jill Tomar.
  • Convention materials will be available online during and after Convention.  Convention evaluations will be sent out online after Convention. 
CONVENTION DELEGATES constitute a deliberative, representative body whose action affects all who are affiliated with Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. Therefore, it is important that delegates attend business sessions on time and listen to varying points of view and be courteous to each other.

Rules of WLCJ Convention 2023
Virtual Delegates

Questions on general procedure may be raised only at the opening plenary session. The regular business for each plenary session shall be considered at the session, unless the convention body gives permission by a 2/3 majority of the delegates present and voting to make an addition.
The service of the parliamentarian is available to any delegate requiring assistance. Convention materials will be available on the WLCJ website during and after Convention.
During live streamed sessions, virtual delegates will not be seen by those attending in person. Your cameras will be disabled and your microphones will be muted by WLCJ.
At breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, your cameras and microphones will be functioning so remember to dress appropriately and wear your Torah Fund pin. There will be a hostess during these sessions to help you chat.
During the WLCJ Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, your cameras and microphones will be functioning so remember to dress appropriately and wear your Torah Fund pin. If you have any questions or comments during the meeting, please put them in the chat or use the raise-hand function and you will be recognized. After recognition by the chair, and before addressing the convention, a delegate should state her name, region and sisterhood, if she has one.
In parliamentary situations not covered by the Bylaws and Policy of Women’s League, matters shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Convention delegates constitute a deliberative, representative body whose action affects all who are affiliated with Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. Therefore, it is important that delegates attend business sessions on time, listen to varying points of view and be courteous to each other.
Convention evaluations will be sent out online after Convention.

2020-2023 Outgoing Executive Committee 

President: Debbi Kaner Goldich, Mid-Atlantic & Pacific Southwest
Vice Presidents:
Debbie Bettan, North Atlantic
Sandy Blumenthal, Mid-Atlantic
Donna Finkelstein, Mid-Atlantic
Julia Loeb, Seaboard
Regina Newman, Southern
Ilene Rothman, Garden State
Grace Schessler, BQLI
Edna Schrank, Central Great Lakes
Dana Sirkin, North by Northwest
Mindy Steinholz, MetroNorth
Ardis Wexler, IntraContinental
Recording Secretary: Deborah Bruce, North Atlantic
Financial Secretary: Sue Bengele, Florida
Treasurer: Marsha Strongin, IntraContinental
Executive Committee Appointees:
Marilyn Berkowitz, Pacific Southwest (Parliamentarian)
Meryl Balaban, Garden State
Ellen Kaner Bresnick, Seaboard & Pacific Southwest
Barbara Ezring, Seaboard & Southern
Janet Kirschner, Mid-Atlantic
Myra Promisel, Seaboard
Renee Ravich, Pacific Southwest
Illene Rubin, Mid-Atlanti

2023-2026 Incoming Executive Committee 

President: Julia Loeb, Seaboard
Vice Presidents
Doreen Bornfreund, International Northeast
Wendy Glasser, North by Northwest
Anne Greenbaum, Southern
Fran Hildebrandt, Central Great Lakes
Toby B. Holtzman, Seaboard
Janet Kirschner, Mid-Atlantic
Linda Klempner, MetroNorth
Esta Lichtenstein, North Atlantic
Renee Ravich, Pacific Southwest
Lori Snow, Mid-Atlantic
Marsha Strongin, IntraContinental
Cathy Swerdlow, Florida
Recording Secretary: Teresa Samtur, Garden State
Treasurer: Diane Mashioff, Mid-Atlantic
Financial Secretary: Linda Steinhorn, International Northeast
Executive Committee Appointees:
Marilyn Berkowitz, Pacific Southwest 
Sandy Blumenthal, Mid-Atlantic
Ellen Kaner Bresnick, Seaboard & Pacific Southwest
Anise Parnes, BQLI
Grace Schessler, BQLI
Randy Schwartz, IntraContinental
Mindy Steinholz, MetroNorth
Marilyn Wind, Seaboard


Edna Schrank, Chair
Rachel Ferber, Vice Chair, Programs
Dana Sirkin, Vice Chair, Programs
Anise Parnes, Vice Chair, Logistics
Debbi Kaner Goldich, President
Ellen Kaner Bresnick, Education
Julia Loeb, Education
Renee Ravich, Consulting Services
Illene Rubin, World Community Engagement
Carol Simon, Past President
Meryl Balaban, Recruitment, Madrichot, Membership
Heddy Belman, World Community Engagement, WOW
Marilyn Berkowitz, Parliamentarian
Debbie BettanMedical Task Force, Social Action Project
Karen Block, Social Action
Sandy Blumenthal, Consultant Training, Region Services, Region Presidents Workshop
Ellen Kaner Bresnick, B’not Mitzvah, Installation Production, Education Workshop
Deb Bruce, Materials Coordinator, Secretary
Ariana Burrows, Tzedakah
Merle Carrus, WL Reads
Rhonda Cohn, Information/Greeters Team
Karen Cuker, Resolutions
Laurie B. Davis, Information/Greeters Team
Barbara Ezring, Torah Fund 
Susan Farber, WL Reads
Teri Fields, Special Guests Liaison
Paula Ferguson, Volunteers/Personnel
Barbara Finkel, Communications Committee
Donna Finkelstein, Proofreader
Madeleine Gimbel, Torah Fund
Cindy Ginsburg, Medical Task Force
Jody Glass, Creative Judaic Arts
Nancy Goldberg, First Time Delegates 
Gail Goldfarb, Individual WL Members
Rebecca Goldwasser, Dance Party
Ellen Grossman, Convention 2023 Special Project, Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center
Sue Gurland, Tefillot/Alternative Service
Corinne Hammerschlag, Environment
Mona Hass, Communications
Helene Herman, World Community Engagement, WOW
Fran Hildebrandt, Mishpachah
Rochelle Hirt, Evaluations
Toby B. Holtzman, Tefillot
Ellen Jadd, Creative Judaic Arts
Carren Jaffe, Centerpieces, Tzedakah Boxes
Lisa Kadosh, Dance Party
Rachel Kamin, WL Reads, Librarian
Renee Kaplan, Information/Greeters Team 
Janet Kirschner, Torah Fund
Linda Klempner, Tzedakah
Ellie Kremer, Israel Affairs
Lynne Landsburg, Dining Room
Robin Lash, Information/Greeters Team
Vivian Leber, Evaluations
Debbie Lempert, Tefillot
Cynthia LernerInformation/Greeters Team, Special Non-Delegate Planning
Barb Levin, MD, Medical Task Force
Esta Lichtenstein, Recruitment
Julia Loeb, Education, B’not Mitzvah
Joan Lowenstein, Virtual Journal
Toby Maser, PrezNet, Sisterhood Presidents Session 
Marjorie Maxwell, Finance
Margie Miller, First Time Delegates 
Regina Newman, Membership
Marlene Ostrow, Volunteers
Wanda Pitzele, Finance
Mimi Pollack, Special Guests Liaison
Renee Ravich, Installation Production, Consultant Training, Region Services
Ilene Rothman, Communications
Illene Rubin, World Community Engagement, WOW
Janet Sameh, Shabbaton
Teresa SamturVirtual Journal
Grace Schessler, Jewels in the Crown
Anne Schimberg, Jewels in the Crown
Pam Schlosberg, Region President, Central Great Lakes Liaison
Gilda Schwartz, Dance Party
Randy Schwartz, Convention 2023 Special Project, Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center
Lois Silverman, Communications
Carol Simon, Environment, Sisterhood Presidents, Recognition Dinner
Lori Snow, World Community Engagement, WOW
Mindy Steinholz, MDMedical Task Force
Marsha Strongin, Treasurer
Jill Tomar, Medical Task Force, Special Meals,  Special Medical Needs, Individual WL Members
Beverly Wachtel, Communications
Lymor Wasserman, B’not Mitzvah Coordinator, Environment
Heidi Weisman, Dance Party
Karen Weiss, Registration
Ardis Wexler, Social Action
Karen Winer, Jewels in the Crown
Jackie Zelkowitz, Shabbat Meals at Congregation Beth Shalom
WL Staff
Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields, Executive Director
Karen Ballena, Digital Content 
Elizabeth Chavez, Media
Cameron Fields, Media
Wendy Greenberg, Media 
Razel Kessler, Administrator, Vendors

Convention Schedule

9:30 am – 3:30 pm...............Registration  
10:00 am – 3:00 pm............Judaica Fair
1:00 – 1:30 pm...............Orientation for first-time delegates, presenter: Margie Miller
Orientation for Individual members, presenter: Jill Tomar
1:30 – 3:00 pm........................WLCJ Leadership Workshops
  • Sisterhood Affiliate Presidents, presenters: Toby Maser and Carol Simon 
  • Region Presidents, presenters: Sandy Blumenthal and Renee Ravich
  • Region Torah Fund VPs, presenters: Barbara Ezring, Madeleine Gimbel, Janet Kirschner and Lori Snow 
  • Region Education VPs, presenters: Ellen Kaner Bresnick, Cathy Swerdlow and Fran Hildebrandt
  • Region Finance VPs/Treasurers, presenters: Marsha Strongin and Diane Mashioff
  • Region Membership VPs, presenters: Meryl Balaban & Iris Lasky
  • Region Communications VPs, presenters: Lois Silverman, Ilene Rothman, Mona Hass and Esta Lichtenstein
1:30 – 3:00 pm........................Get Wrapped Up Making a String Art Hamsa
Presented by Jody Glass and Ellen Jadd   
Pre-registration required. 
3:30 – 4:45 pm........................Opening Plenum (virtual)
Welcome: Edna Schrank, Convention Chair and WL Vice President  
Nominations Report: Margie Miller, Nominations Chair and Immediate Past President (2017-2020)
State of the League: Debbi Kaner Goldich, President (2020-2023)
Torah Fund Report: Barbara Ezring, International Torah Fund Chair
Treasurer’s Report: Marsha Strongin, Treasurer 
Region Presidents Roll Call
6:30 – 7:45 pm........................Dinner and Rejoicing with our 2017-2020 Administration and 2018-2021
Region Presidents, presiding: Carol Simon and Mindy Steinholz (virtual) 
8:00 – 8:30 pm.......................The Crisis Facing Israel’s Democracy, Dr. Yizhar Hess, Vice Chairman,
World Zionist Organization (virtual) 
8:30 – 9:30 pm.......................WLCJ In Memoriam, presiding: Cory Schneider (virtual)
9:30 pm.......................................Region Parties
6:00 am.......................................Walking with Cory Schneider
7:30 – 9:30 am........................Women’s League B’not Mitzvah Celebration (virtual)
9:30 – 10:45 am.....................Breakfast Celebrating our B’not Mitzvah 

[Registered Virtual Guests welcomed in Chat Room, presiding: Marcia Toppall]

11:00 – 11:45 am.....................The Gift of a Healthy Birth, Celebrating the Shifrah and Puah Maternity

Center, presiding: Ellen Grossman and Randy Schwartz (virtual)

11:45 am – 12:15 pm............Women’s Empowerment = Jewish Empowerment, Chancellor Shuly Rubin

Schwartz, The Jewish Theological Seminary (virtual) 

        12:30 – 2:30 pm.......................Luncheon Celebrating 80 Years of Torah Fund, presiding: Barbara Ezring  ,


       Special Guests:

  • Samson Nderitu (Rabbinical student, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
  • Chancellor Shuly Rubin Schwartz (The Jewish Theological Seminary
  • Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson (Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and Zacharias Frankel College)
  • Rabbi Joel Seltzer (The Jewish Theological Seminary)
2:45 – 3:30 pm.......................Workshops for Delegates (choose one)
  • Women’s Reproductive Rights in Jewish Tradition, presiding: Karen Block, Karen Cuker and Ardis Wexler (virtual)
    • Guest speaker: Rabbi Gail Labovitz (Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies)
  • The Latest on Masorti Israel: A Q&A with the Vice Chairman of WZO, Dr. Yizhar Hess, presiding: Ellie Kremer and Deb Bruce 
  • The Real Volunteers of Torah Fund, presiding: Barbara Ezring, Madeleine Gimbel, Janet Kirschner, and Lori Snow (virtual) 
3:40 – 4:30 pm.........................Celebrating the Passion of Conservative Judaism, Rabbi Bradley Shavit
Artson, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and Zacharias Frankel College (virtual)
6:15 – 7:30 pm........................Dinner Thanking and Celebrating our Women’s League Leaders
7:45 – 9:15 pm..........................Installation of 2023-2026 Officers and Board of Directors  (virtual) 
9:15 – 10:00 pm......................Dessert Reception
10:00 pm.....................................Get Wrapped Up Making a String Art Hamsa taught by Jody Glass, Creative
Judaic Arts chair
10:00 pm....................................Seaboard Celebrates Julia
10:00 pm....................................Affinity Group Get Togethers
6:00 am......................................Walking with Cory Schneider
7:30 – 8:30 am.......................Tefillot (virtual)
(Alternative Tefillot) Moving Through the Tree of Life: Where Tai Chi Meets Kabballah, led by Sue Gurland
8:30 – 9:30 am.......................Breakfast
Leadership Workshop for WL Consultants, presiding: Renee Ravich and Sandy Blumenthal
9:45 – 11:45 am......................Celebrating Sisters Around the World – Aleph, presiding: Illene Rubin and
Lori Snow (virtual)
Part 1 - What is Masorti? 
INTERMISSION  (with a surprise)
Part 2 - From Uganda to Ukraine
Special Guests: Tehila Reuben, Deputy Director Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami and Dafnah Sizomu
12:00 – 1:45 pm......................Our Jewels in the Crown Luncheon, presiding: Anne Schimberg and
Karen Winer (virtual)
2:00 – 3:00 pm.......................Workshops for Delegates (choose one)
  • WL Reads presents Golem Girl by Riva Lehrer, presiding: Susan Farber (virtual) 
  • Special Guests: Rachel Kamin and Riva Lehrer  
  • Best of WL Programming, presiding: Anne Schimberg & Karen Winer
    • Ellen Haspel, Beth David Women, Toronto, ON Canada 
    • Gilda Zucker, Congregation Anshai Torah Sisterhood, Plano, TX 
    • Ellen Greenblatt, Sisterhood of Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale (CSAIR), Bronx, NY 
    • Jina Rezvanpour, Sinai Temple Sisterhood, Los Angeles, CA
  • Encouraging Inclusion When Welcoming Isn’t Enough, presiding: Fran Hildebrandt
  • Special Guests: Ali Drumm and Mindy Gordon
3:15 – 4:15 pm.........................Closing Plenum (Virtual) 
5:30 – 6:45 pm.......................Dinner 
7:00 – 9:30 pm......................Dancing with Our Sisters Through Time
10:00 – 11:00 pm..................Celebrating Sisters Around the World – Bet
Women of the Wall (WOW) In Our Backyard and Israel, presiding: Lori Snow and Illene Rubin (virtual)
Special Guest: Yochi Rappeport, WOW Executive Director
11:00 pm.....................................WOW Rosh Chodesh LIVE from Jerusalem (virtual) 
6:00 am.......................................Walking with Cory Schneider
7:15 – 8:45 am.........................Tefillot
8:45 – 9:30 am.......................Breakfast
9:45 – 11:15 am........................WLCJ Open Board of Directors Meeting, presiding: Julia Loeb (virtual) 


Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson
Rabbi Dr. Bradley Shavit Artson holds the Abner and Roslyn Goldstine Dean’s Chair of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and is Vice President of American Jewish University. He also serves as Dean of the Zacharias Frankel College in Potsdam, Germany. He is the author of 12 books, most recently Renewing the Process of Creation: A Jewish Integration of Science and Spirit. In 2008, Artson ordained Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, leader of the Abayudaya Tribe and was part of a rabbinic delegation to Uganda to install him as the first African rabbi in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Dr. Daniel Aschheim 
Daniel Aschheim serves as Deputy Consul General at the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest, based in Chicago. In 2020 he assumed the role as Consul for Public Diplomacy serving as spokesperson for the Consulate's nine-state Midwestern region. Previously, he served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Israeli Embassy in Dakar, Senegal, and worked as a director and advisor in the public and non-government organization sectors. A Jerusalem native, Aschheim holds a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University, where he completed his MA in European Studies. As an undergraduate at the IDC Herzliya, he interned at the Knesset and at the British Embassy.
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal
Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal, joint CEO of Rabbinical Assembly (RA) and USCJ, has spent his career focused on growing Jewish communities, from USY chapters to Congregation Shaare Torah in Gaithersburg, Md., where he served for 20 years. A 1999 graduate of  the Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinical School, he was founding rabbi of Shaare Torah, after leading high holiday services for several years as a rabbinical student. He started his career as a Regional Director in Seaboard Region of USY and subsequently worked for USY as an Assistant International Director, including serving as co-director of International Convention (IC), and the rabbi for Seaboard Kadima.
Aliza Drumm
Aliza Drumm is the Director of Congregational Learning at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park, Ill. With a master’s degree from Jewish Professional Studies at Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership, and the title of “Conservative Jewish Educator” through the Jewish Educators Assembly, her background has included experiential education from youth groups to USY Pilgrimage to Camp Ramah, the board of the national Jewish Youth Directors Association and Jewish Educators Assembly. She supervises the (Miriam and Bernard H. Sokol Hebrew High School) Jewish Teen Project.
Rabbi Aviva Funke
Musician, storyteller and trained entertainer, Rabbi Aviva Funke is passionate about finding personal meaning in Jewish ritual, lifestyle, and tradition.  She was ordained at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles and served as School Rabbi for Brawerman Elementary School of Wilshire Boulevard Temple. She is co-founder of Na’or, a prayer innovation project.  Rabbi Funke currently is Principal of the Bureau of Jewish Education’s Hebrew High of Greater Phoenix. She has extensive experience in the art of spiritual healing and transformation, and infuses these techniques and mindsets into her work as facilitator, educator and spiritual counselor.
Mindy Gordon
Mindy Gordon is in her 12th year as the Synagogue Consultant for the Central District, which includes synagogues in 19 states and in Mexico. Her “specialty area” is Alternative Dispute Resolution, and she is the USCJ staff representative to the Joint Placement Committee with the Rabbinical Assembly. A graduate of The University of Chicago Law School, she took part in the  Wexner Heritage Program. She served, as a volunteer, as President of the Metropolitan Chicago Region of ORT America and on the ORT America National Board. She was also a member of the Executive Board of Camp Ramah in Wisconsin.
Hazzan Sally Heckelman
The child of survivors, growing up in Buffalo, NY, Sally’s parents infused music into her life and encouraged her at a young age to play piano and sing. When the Heckelman family joined Kol Shalom in 2005, Sally began participating as a Shlichat Tzibur in the services. After years of studying on her own, Sally started taking classes, attended Davening Leadership Programs, and began formal training in Alaef Jewish Renewal cantorial program. In January 2023, Sally received her cantorial ordination. 
Dr. Yizhar Hess
Dr. Yizhar Hess, Vice Chairman of the World Zionist Organization, was Executive Director of the Masorti Movement in Israel between 2007 and 2020, and represented the Masorti Movement in negotiations with the government regarding egalitarian prayer at the Kotel. After serving as Deputy Director at the Shorashim Centre for Jewish Studies, he served as the Jewish Agency’s community shaliach to Tucson. In Israel, he worked for the Jewish Agency as Director of Partnerships. He is co-editor of Questions About God, published by Ma’ariv. Dr. Hess, a member of the Israeli Bar, earned a Ph.D. in Sociology and Education from Sussex University in England.
Rachel Kamin
Director of Lifelong Learning at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland
Park, Ill., has served as chair of the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee, a national committee of the Association of Jewish Libraries. She is book review editor for children and teens for The Association of Jewish Libraries newsletter and writes children’s book reviews for School Library Journal, Jewish Book World, and AJL Reviews. She recently contributed a chapter to The Tot Shabbat Handbook: A Practical Guide for Engaging Young Families in Congregational Life edited by Paula Feldstein (URJ Press, 2010).
Rabbi Jonathan Kremer
Rabbi Jonathan Kremer, rabbi of Shirat Hayam in Ventnor N.J., was ordained and earned a master’s degree in Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Before rabbinical school he was a graphic designer specializing in Jewish nonprofits. He has a bachelor’s degree in Hebraic Studies from Rutgers University and spent his junior year at Hebrew University. As rabbi of Shirat Hayam, Rabbi Kremer offers classes on history, bible, midrash, Hebrew, and ritual. He leads, with guitar, the Galeem Sunday morning drum circle service. He has instituted Carlebach-style Kabbalat Shabbat services, revived the youth group, and has enabled access to Torah for the mobility-challenged.
Rabbi Gail Labovitz
Rabbi Gail Labovitz is Professor of Rabbinic Literature at the American Jewish University (Los Angeles) and is an ordained Conservative rabbi. She has written extensively about gender in rabbinic writings of Late Antiquity and on Jewish Law, including Marriage and Metaphor: Constructions of Gender in Rabbinic Literature and the volume on Tractate Mo'ed Qatan for the Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud. She also served for ten years on the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, and is currently a member of the Social Justice Committee and Convener of the Reproductive Right Working Group. 
Riva Lehrer
Riva Lehrer is an artist, writer and curator whose work focuses on issues of physical identity and the socially-challenged body. She is known for representations of people with impairments, and whose sexuality or gender identity has been stigmatized. She has been on the faculty of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and is an instructor in medical humanities at Northwestern University. Ms. Lehrer’s work has been seen in venues including the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. Her memoir, Golem Girl was published in 2020.
Yochi Rappeport
Born in Safed and raised in an Orthodox environment, Yochi Rappeport served IDF as a commander in the Nativ Military Course teaching Judaism and Zionism to new immigrants and non-Jewish soldiers. Following her military service, she studied at Bar Ilan University. She joined Women of the Wall in 2016 as Director of Education and Community Outreach and in 2019, was appointed Executive Director of the organization. Her identity as an Orthodox woman and feminist shows that a woman may indeed possess both attributes. She strives to make Israel a more tolerant place for her daughters’ generation and beyond.
Tehila Reuben
Tehila Reuben is the Deputy Director at Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami, responsible for its network of international communities, resource development and operations in the Jerusalem and New York offices. She has worked at Masorti and MERCAZ Olami since May 2011 and has organized and coordinated events, programs, and missions, to Budapest, Paris, and London. Tehila has been leading the organization’s efforts in helping the Ukrainian Masorti/Conservative communities and refugees since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in March 2022, and works as the liaison between the organization and their European, African, Australian and Asian communities.
Chancellor Shuly Rubin Schwartz
Chancellor Shuly Rubin Schwartz, Irving Lehrman Research Professor of American Jewish History, the eighth chancellor of The Jewish Theological Seminary, and the first woman to serve as Chancellor. Previously she served as dean of the Albert A. List College of Jewish Studies, and dean of the Gershon Kekst Graduate School. In 2018, she assumed the provostship, while continuing as dean of the Kekst School. Chancellor Schwartz, one of the first women on the JTS faculty, helped introduce Jewish gender studies into the curriculum. Among her many publications is The Rabbi’s Wife, for which she received the National Jewish Book Award.
Rabbi Joel Seltzer
Rabbi Joel Seltzer, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement at the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), attended the JTS Rabbinical School after graduating magna cum laude from Florida State University. He was ordained in 2008 and received the Rabbi Sidney Greenberg Prize for Homiletics.  Rabbi Seltzer served as spiritual leader of Temple Emanu-El in Providence, R.I. from 2008-2012 and for 15 years served as executive director of Camp Ramah in the Poconos.
Ilana Shemesh
Ilana Shemesh, an American born midwife who immigrated to Israel in l973, has been a leader for childbirth reform in Israel. With a nursing degree and a midwifery degree and license, she has worked in Israeli hospitals and has provided holistic prenatal care and attended homebirths. When she retired in 2017, she volunteered in a Ugandan birth center, and then explored the Abayudaya community near Mbale. After consulting with Rabbi Gershom Sizumo, and Dr. Masaba Baniru, she learned of the need for a birth center in the area. She returned in 2018 to open the Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center.
Dafnah Sizomu
Dafnah Sizomu was born in Uganda to Abayudaya community religious leader Rabbi Gershom and Tziporah Sizomu, and grew up Los Angeles, where her father was in rabbinical school, and spent a year in Israel.  On returning to Uganda in 2008, she earned a diploma in pharmacy. She teaches Hebrew and trains bar and bat mitzvah students, and has a passion for reading Torah and leading services. She loves arts and crafts, and making new friends. She is married to Samson Nderitu and they have a daughter, Shirah.
Samson Nderitu
Samson Nideritu was born in Kenya. He earned his bachelor’s degree in project planning and entrepreneurship at Uganda Christian University. He just completed his first year at Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies. Samson and his wife, Dafnah Sizomu, are the parents of Shirah.

Congratulations to the amazing women in the first WLCJ Bat Mitzvah class who will celebrate their B’not Mitzvah on Monday, July 16, 2023:
Lilian Gradofsky – BQLI
Judith Karlin – BQLI
Lisa Bloom – CGL
Sandra Carleton – CGL
Esther Hellman – CGL
Marlene Ostrow – CGL
Eileen Barberi – Florida
Anne Schimberg – Florida
Carol Simon – Florida
Karen Winer – Florida
Jill Tomar – Florida and CGL
Nancy Goldberg – Florida and MAR
Deborah Malafsky – ICR
Laurie Atlas Silverblatt – ICR
Corinne Hammerschlag – INR
Ruth Shapiro – INR
Marion Tully – INR
Sandy Berenbaum – MAR
Denise Brand – MAR
Faye Laveson – MAR
Illene Rubin – MAR
Madelon (Maddy) Sheff – MAR
Sheila Gersh – MetroNorth
Arlene Schwartz – North Atlantic
Dana Sirkin – NXNW
Shelliyah Iyomahan – Seaboard
Elissa Kon – Seaboard
Edith Magruder – Seaboard
Jerilynn Payne – Seaboard
Arlene Fisher – Southern

WLCJ Convention Monday Shacharit

Prayers marked with an * are pre-recorded.

*Modeh Ani (p. 2) – Marion Tully and Faye Laveson

*Modeh Ani Devar Tefillah – Faye Laveson

*Ma Tovu (p. 2) – Sheila Gersh and Madelon Sheff

Birkot haShachar (p. 10) – Jerilynn Payne and *Arlene Fisher

*Psalm for Monday (p. 24) – Elissa Kon

*Psalm for Monday Devar Tefillah – Elissa Kon

*Psalm 30 (p. 50) – Deborah Malafsky and Sandra Carleton

Mourner’s Kaddish (p. 52) – Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields

*Baruch Sheh-Amar (p. 54) – Laurie Atlas Silverblatt and Arlene Schwartz

*Baruch Sheh-Amar Devar Tefillah – Arlene Schwartz

*Psalm 100 (p. 60) – Shelliyah Iyomahan

Psalm 150 (p. 88) – Anne Schimberg

Az Yashir (p. 92) – Jill Tomar

Yishtabach (p. 94) – Judith Karlin.

Hatzi Kaddish (p. 96) – Esther Hellman

Barchu (p. 98) – Ruth Shapiro

V’Chulam Potchim et Pihem (p. 98-100) – Edith Magruder

Ahavah Rabbah (p. 100) – Illene Rubin

Shema (p. 102) – Dana Sirkin

L’Dor v’Dor (p. 104) – Lillian Gradofsky

Ezrat Avoteinu (p. 106) – Eileen Barberi

Amidah (inside cover, p. 110 - p. 122) – Corinne Hammerschlag

Hatzi Kaddish (p. 138) – Lisa Bloom

Torah Service (p. 140) – Toby B. Holtzman and Debbie Lempert

Return the Torah to the Ark (p. 150-152) – Marlene Ostrow

Charge to the B’not Mitzvah – Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields

Ashrei (p. 154) – Karen Winer

Lamnatseach (p. 156) – Nancy Goldberg

Kedushah D’Sidra (p. 156) – Toby B. Holtzman and Debbie Lempert

Kaddish Shalem (p. 158) – Carol Simon

Aleinu (p. 160) – Sandy Berenbaum

Mourner’s Kaddish (p. 162) – Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields

Adon Olam (p. 6) – Denise Brand


Torah Reading from Parashat Devarim – Deuteronomy Chapter 1

Ark Opening/Closing (before Torah Reading) – Marjorie Maxwell

Carrying the Torah (before Torah Reading) – Diane Mashioff

Gabbait Rishon – Rabbi Margie CellaGabbait Sheni – Illene Rubin


First Aliyah- Verses 1-3 – Reader: Ellen Kaner Bresnick

Aliyah: Debbi Kaner Goldich

Second Aliyah- Verses 4-7 – Reader: Debbi Kaner Goldich

Aliyah: Julia Loeb

Third Aliyah- Verses 8-10 – Reader: Julia Loeb

Aliyah: Edna Schrank, Anise Parnes, Rachel Ferber


Fourth Aliyah – Verses 11-21 Aliyah: In person B’not Mitzvah

Verse 11 – Ruth Shapiro

Verse 12 – Nancy Goldberg

Verse 13 – Lillian Gradofsky

Verse 14 – Eileen Barberi

Verse 15 – Marlene Ostrow

Verse 16 – Jerilynn Payne


Fifth Aliyah – Verses 22-25 Aliyah: Virtual B’not Mitzvah

Verse 22 – Anne Schimberg

Verse 24 – Corinne Hammerschlag

Verse 23 – Denise Brand

Verse 25 – Edith Magruder


Sixth Aliyah – Verses 26-28 – In person WLCJ Hebrew Teachers

(Barbara Finkel, Judi Kenter, Debbie Lempert, Margie Miller, Amy Schwartz, Lymor Wasserman)

Verse 26 – Sandy Berenbaum

Verse 27 – Lisa Bloom


Mishaberach – Marilyn Cohen

Birkat HaGomel – Amy Schwartz and Ellen Kaner Bresnick

Hagbah – Grace Schessler

Ark Opening – Myra Promisel

Carrying the Torah (after Torah Reading) – Renee Ravich

HaMotzi – Vivian Leber

If you would like to participate in the next Bat Mitzvah class, watch for information this summer or contact Toby B. Holtzman ([email protected]) or Anne Schimberg ([email protected]) with any questions.

Luncheon Celebrating 80 Years of Torah Fund

Women Ensuring Conservative/Masorti Education
Monday, July 17, 2023
Barbara Ezring, International Torah Fund Chair
D’var Torah
Samson Nderitu, student, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson, Dean, Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and Vice President, American Jewish University
2018-2021 and 2021-2024 Region Torah Fund Vice Presidents
Dr. Shuly Rubin Schwartz, Chancellor, The Jewish Theological Seminary, and Irving Lehrman Research Professor
Video featuring the five institutions of higher Jewish education supported by Torah Fund
The Jewish Theological Seminary
Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies
Schechter Institutes of Jewish Studies
Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano
Zacharias Frankel College
This video will be available for Affiliates/Sisterhoods and Regions to use in Torah Fund programming.
Torah Fund Stands with Israel
Guest Speaker, Dr. Daniel Aschheim, Deputy Consul General, the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest, based in Chicago
80 Years of Torah Fund Celebration
Margie Miller and Rita Wertlieb, 80th Anniversary Co-Chairs
2021-2024 Region Torah Fund Vice Presidents
Birkat HaMazon
Rabbi Joel Seltzer, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, the Jewish Theological Seminary
Thank you for supporting Torah Fund. We recognize and thank everyone who celebrated the 80th Anniversary of Torah Fund by donating an extra $80 to their Torah Fund gift. We thank and acknowledge the members of the Torah Fund Legacy Society. The names will scroll on the monitors during the luncheon. We apologize for any omissions.


Voice of our Volunteers: Building Community
Monday, July 17, 2023
Presiding: Sandy Blumenthal
The 2021 to 2024
Women's League for Conservative Judaism
Region Presidents have made a donation to the Shifrah and Puah Maternity Center to thank the outgoing officers of Debbi Kaner Goldich's administration and to welcome the incoming officers of Julia Loeb's administration. May you all go from strength to strength.
BQLI: Barbara Ezring
CGLRPam Schlosberg
FLRJeanette Brownstein
GSRLynette Seader
INRMarilyn Cohen
ICR: Ruth Harris
MARMarsha Wasserman
NARIllona Roll
NxNWJennifer Kalenscher
PSWCarol Madvig
SEABOARDMarjorie Fuhrmann
SOUTHERNSusan Steinberg, z"l
Todah Rabah to Ellen Kaner Bresnick and Renee Ravich for creating this evening's installation script.
Installation Presenters:
Gloria Cohen Margie Miller
Agnes Emert Cory Schneider
Paula Ferguson Janet Tobin
Barbara Finkel Debbie Zimmerman
Music and Presentation to
Debbi Kaner Goldich Rabbi Aviva Funke,
  BJE Greater Phoenix
Discharge of
Debbi Kaner Goldich           Rabbi Jonathan Kremer,
  Shirat Hayam, Ventnor, NJ
Presentation to
Debbi Kaner Goldich        Carol Simon,
  Past International President, WLCJ
Installation of
Julia Loeb                           Rita Wertlieb,
  Past International President, WLCJ
Presentation to
Julia Loeb                           Hazzan Sally Heckelman,
  Kol Shalom, Rockville, MD               
Outgoing Officers Incoming Officers
President: Debbi Kaner Goldich President: Julia Loeb
Vice Presidents:
Vice Presidents:
Debbi Bettan Doreen Bornfreund
Sandy Blumenthal Wendy Glasser
Donna Finkelstein Anne Greenbaum
Julia Loeb Fran Hildebrandt
Regina Newman Toby B. Holtzman
Ilene Rothman Janet Kirschner
Grace Schessler Linda Klempner
Edna Schrank Esta Lichtenstein
Dana Sirkin Renee Ravich
Mindy Steinholz Lori Snow
Ardis Wexler Marsha Strongin
  Cathy Swerdlow
Recording Secretary:
Debra Bruce
Recording Secretary:
Teresa Samtur                        
Treasurer: Marsha Strongin Treasurer: Diane Mashioff
Financial Secretary:
Sue Bengele
Financial Secretary:
Linda Steinhorn
Rabbi Aviva Funke

Ziegler ordained in 2018, Rabbi Aviva Shira Funke is a dynamic educator and passionate musician who is delighted to bring original prayer music and spirituality to the Jewish world. Rabbi Aviva is the Associate Director for the Bureau of Jewish Education of Greater Phoenix, where she is the Principal of Hebrew High, a supplemental program for Jewish teens and director of IGNITE, a continuing education program for religious schoolteachers.


Rabbi Jonathan Kremer

Rabbi Jonathan Kremer serves Shirat Hayam, a hybrid Conservative-Reform synagogue community in Ventnor, New Jersey. He revels in learning and teaching sacred literature and in composing new melodies for ancient prayers. Prior to ordination, he had a fruitful career as a graphic designer; he crafted and donated the logo for the recent WLCJ Seeds Campaign. At his first WLCJ convention, Rabbi Kremer was honored to offer an invocation. Now, he is delighted to recognize Debbi Goldich, a friend and congregant, for her unflagging efforts on behalf of Women’s League.


Rita Wertlieb

Rita Wertlieb served as the 20th international president of Women’s League from 2010-2014. Under her leadership, Women’s League initiated a ground breaking strategic plan designed to create a network for all Conservative Jewish women. Prior to becoming president, Rita served in many capacities within Women’s League, ultimately serving for two terms as a vice president and chair of the Women’s League Torah Fund Campaign. Currently, Rita serves on the Women’s League Board and its Finance Committee as the liaison to its investment counselor, along with serving on the Women’s League Torah Fund Cabinet as Co-Chair of 80th Anniversary celebration.


Hazzah Sally Heckelman

The child of survivors, growing up in Buffalo, NY, Sally’s parents infused music into her life and encouraged her at a young age to play piano and sing. When the Heckelman family joined Kol Shalom in 2005, Sally began participating as a Shlichat Tzibur in the services. After years of studying on her own, Sally started taking classes, attended Davening Leadership Programs, and began formal training in Aleph Jewish Renewal cantorial program. In January of 2023 Sally received her cantorial ordination.

Jewels in the Crown Award Winners

Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is proud of the accomplishments of our Sisterhood affiliates.  Our mission is to educate our women and we provide programming that meets that goal.  We encourage our membership to focus on learning.  Sisterhood affiliates who have earned a Jewels in the Crown award exemplify that focus.  They are the best of our organization over the last three years.

This booklet is an opportunity for those Sisterhood affiliates to share these wonderful programming and educational ideas with all our affiliates.  We encourage you to utilize these award-winning programs in your affiliate.

Mazal tov to the winners of the Jewels in the Crown award and we thank you for your commitment to and support of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism.
Sisterly yours,
Debbi Kaner Goldich
In 2010, Women’s League began the tradition of bestowing Jewels in the Crown awards to those Sisterhood Affiliates at our Conventions who met certain standards of education, social action, and engagement through their programming
At the WLCJ International Convention in 2023, we again bestow these awards on those Sisterhood Affiliates who meet certain requirements.  We took into account the pandemic and how it has affected planning and programming and how it may continue to do so. Our Sisterhood affiliates took this challenge and planned, either virtually or in person, some very interesting and engaging educational, community service, Israel and World Affairs programs.
In addition, there is some information on diversity and inclusion initiatives which surprisingly many Sisterhood Affiliates had already utilized in their programming.
Most fortunately, we received a total of 92 applications coming from our 13 Regions, who qualified for this award. 
Being a part of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism and observing how the many affiliates put in so much effort and love into their programming, has been inspiring!
We have been honored to work on this project.  We were delighted by the varied and original programs that we have seen from the applications.  It is a most prestigious accounting of what each Sisterhood has done from 2020 to 2023, including the fact that each has paid per capita and contributed to the Torah Fund Campaign for all three years.
Mazel tov to all our applicants.
Karen Winer and Anne Schimberg
  1. Hewlitt-East Rockaway Jewish Center,  East Rockaway NY
  • Pink Shabbat - breast cancer survivors shared their stories after Zoom services during Kiddush.  Before Shabbat Sisterhood distributed Kiddush bags which included pink Challah rolls and Sharsheret literature
  • Movie Night-Films/Lectures - The Hidden Star of the Sertao and The Last Marranos - Crypto Jews of Brazil and European countries-speaker Dr. Juliana Portenoy - Schlesinger (HERJC)
  • The Word Mavens - Jewish Center with 3 other Sisterhoods. Word Mavens celebrate Jewish traditions, holidays etc and the Yiddish words that describe them.
  1. Huntington Jewish Center, Huntington, NY
  • Co-sponsored a movie discussion on Crip Camp, a summer camp in New York designed for teens with disabilities, with the Huntington Center Inclusion committee. The film covered the history of the American Disabilities Act (also Inclusion)
  • Sponsored program with Synagogue Rabbi to discuss intermarriage. Discussion focused on our own and the community’s response to intermarried couples.
  • Huntington Jewish Center-with social action committee. A couple sponsored by H.I.A.S. in our community. The program was to introduce the couple and they spoke of their journey to the U.S. from Ukraine as well as their life in Ukraine
  • Sponsor a family from the Lend a Hand Project which assists families in need in Suffolk County by purchasing gift cards.
  1. East Meadow Beth El Jewish Center, East Meadow NY 
  • Rabbi Dr. Ronald Androphy guest speaker Jewish View on Abortion
  • Bella, an Immigrant’s Story from WLCJ BQLI program of the week
  • Facts Behind Changes to Community Based Medicaid
  • Health and Wellness Program - Taking Charge of Your Health
  1. The Forest Hills Jewish Center, Forest Hills NY 
  • No more dripping, dropping or drooping-a woman’s health program featuring Jill Maura Rabin MD on pelvic floor health.
  • When Jews Fought for Suffrage presented by Marcia Belgorod
  • Tzed Talk - Justice justice you shall pursue co sponsored by FHJC SURJE standing up for racial justice and equality - participatory workshop.
  • Domestic Violence Program with Transition Center to learn about their shelter and services for women and families who are victims of domestic violence, in conjunction with drive to collect goods for the center.
  • Israel-Wonder Women: a Virtual Guided Tour of the ANU Museum. This was a live presentation direct from Israel of a new exhibit from the ANU Museum in Tel Aviv
  1. Sisterhood of Israel Center of Conservative Judaism, Fresh Meadows NY
Women’s Seder discussing Jewish Women in Politics
Women’s Seder discussing Jewish Women who Won Nobel Prizes
  1. Midway Jewish Center Sisterhood, Syosset NY Y1Y2Y3
  • Author talk with Jacqueline Friedland, facilitated by author Amy Blumenfeld. In person welcome brunch Jewish views on infertility surrogacy and adoption.
  • Breast Cancer Awareness with Sharsharet speaker Nancy Cohen and Pink Challah Bake.  A virtual program with dough to go.
  • The Word Mavens- a virtual Sukkot program with Melville Jewish Center with boxed kosher dinner to go. Word Mavens celebrate Jewish traditions, holidays etc and the Yiddish words that describe them.
  • Sisterhood Kabbalat Shabbat at home-virtual program using WLCJ materials - HaChanah B’yachad.
  1. Sisterhood of Temple Beth Shalom, Roslyn Heights NY
  • Bat Mitzvah turns 100-sisterhood women shared their own Bat Mitzvah experience carried over to Sisterhood Shabbat
  • Author night with former ambassador Martin Indyk about Henry Kissinger and Middle East diplomacy in person.
  • Understanding the Transgender Community-speaker Northwell’s Transgender Center Medical Director and a transwoman spoke.  Transgender attendees were in the audience.
  1. Congregation L’Dor V’Dor OLNJC, Little Neck NY
  • How can the Jewish Community better embrace Jews of Color? Guest speaker Nancy Morriseau MPH via Zoom.
  • Jewish Suffragettes and the 19th Amendment with speaker Lisa Ellison
  • Foster Child Program benefits Neve Hanna Children’s Home in Israel and gives a scholarship to a deserving child for the Samuel Field Y Summer Camp Program.
  • Lunch and Learn: Israel and Zionism with speaker Marc Tobin via Zoom
  • What Ingredients were Necessary to Bring Peace to the Middle East with Aryeh Lightstone via Zoom 2023
  1. Sisterhood of the North Shore Jewish Center, Port Jefferson Station NY 
  • Virtual travel around the world to Jewish Communities 2021 to present. Ten virtual tours yearly to Jewish Communities worldwide for participants.  Live tour guide and led each tour to various countries and learned their history and culture as well as present day population. This year visiting all new countries and learning personal account of one of their Jewish residents.
  • Rosh Chodesh - monthly program featuring a guest speaker on a wide variety of Jewish topics.
  • Lemon Scrub Night-Participants created lemon scrubs-one for themselves and one which was donated to a local Women’s Shelter.
  • Ukraine Russian War- local professor spoke about growing up in Ukraine and how his family was affected and divided since some lived in Russia.
  1. Temple Gates of Prayer, Flushing NY
  • We participated in Financial Well-being for Women
  • Educational Rosh Hashanah program 
  • As part of our Chanukah celebration we collected and donated children’s books to Commonpoint Queens-a community based organization.
  1. Adath Israel
  • Mental Health Wellness Program:  this program was co-sponsored by our Sisterhood, Brotherhood and local Jewish Family Service. This program addressed the new mental health issues facing women as a result of living life during the pandemic.  The program had a panel of women speaker, including female congregants as well as licensed credentialed mental health professionals from JFs and both Rabbis.  On Zoom.
  1. Beth El Sisterhood
  • Rosh Chodesh Iyar along with our Sisterhood Book  Club Zoom meeting.  An interfaith panel including our Rabbi in discussion with Marcia R. Rudin, author of the book, “Hear My Voice” and Reverend Dr. Dianne Glave, representing the Protestant perspective. Reverend  Dr. Glave was the former pastor of Christ Methodist Church and the women from the Church were invited and joined us for this exciting program and a lively conversation.  The book traces the lives of 3 clergywomen from the 1950’s to the present times, each from the three major faiths, as they face the choices, challenges and conflicts that women clergy continue to face even today.  The panel represented the 3 faiths discussed in the book with our Rabbi representing the Jewish clergy perspective.
  • Earth Day Program entitled: “What’s in Your Bin? Recycling-Fact vs. Fiction and the new three R’s-Reduce, Replace, Reuse”.  Organized by Gail Neustadt, an environmental activist for over 10 years and our Sisterhood Social Action co-chair and CGLR environmental Chair.  The Zoom program included a panel presentation about the challenges and opportunities of Recycling and why we need to move on to the new and different “r’s”-Reduce, Replace and Reuse.
  1. Congregation Beth Shalom IL 
  • Our Sisterhood took a virtual tour with the Illinois Holocaust Museum exhibit: Rise Up: Stonewall and the LGBTQ rights movement.
  • We held a Zoom event with Roberta Rosenthal Kwall, the author of Remix Judaism:  Preserving Tradition in a Diverse World.  She talked about developing a richer set of cultural Jewish norms in a remixed world.
  1. Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Shalom MI
  • Jewish Cemeteries: Stories from the Stones
  • Education Day Program: Covid Vaccine Program with Dr. Joshua Adler re: advisability of getting the vaccine.
  1. Congregation Beth Judea
  • Chevra Kedusha: we learned about this tradition and steps taken.
  1. Congregation Ohave Sholom Sisterhood
  • We joined with another Region Sisterhood to visit virtually the RBG exhibit (it was a membership gift to our members and we paid an agreed upon amount per attendee to their Torah Fund. 
  • Reclaim the Vote: six members volunteered to write postcards to remind people in Virginia and Georgia to get out the vote.  The invitation was put out in our weekly congregation and sisterhood reminder.  Because we are a small sisterhood we had six volunteers who wrote 10-20 postcards each.
  1. Ezra Habonim, The Niles Township Jewish Congregation 
  • Covid Programs-we sponsored a series of Covid informational programs throughout the pandemic.  Three infectious disease physicians are members of our congregation and immediate past president is a pharmacist.  One example: Update of Covid/Flu Update.  Subjects included Covid, masking, booster shots, variants, precautions to take and flu vaccines.
  • The Simon Wiesenthal Center presented a program on Zoom-How to Combat Anti-Semitism and the Rise of Hate Crimes.  Presenters were Sheriff Tom Dart of Cook County and Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
  • The Abraham Accords-Background and Prospects presented by Dr. Mordechai Kedar, an expert on Arab culture.  The program included a 40 minute presentation about the political atmosphere in the middle east that encouraged the peace agreement.  There was a question and answer segment afterwards.
  1. North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
  • What’s Jewish About Hereditary Cancer?  BRCA and Beyond
  • Speaker was a representative from the Sarnoff Center for Jewish Genetics
  • Choosing Parenthood/Assisted Reproductive Technology, Adoption and the Single Parent with Rabbi Michael Schwab
  • Fashion Sustainability with Rivka Zell.  How “fast fashion” adversely affects our environment and how we can help solve the problem.
  1. Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarey Zedek
  • Crock Pots and Instant Pots.  Sisterhood member and Chef Annabel Cohen presented Zoom program teaching how to prepare one pot meals.  She demonstrated and discussed two devices, their uses, similarities and differences.
  • Happy ReNew Year.  Health and Wellness program with one of our members focused on mind-explaining the Chinese medicine approach to winter eating and health.  A Tai Chi Instructor taught us how to keep our body in balance and our Rabbi spoke soul-finding spiritual replenishment.  Presenting this on Zoom helped keep our members safe and yet connected.
  • Graffiti Tour of Israel: This program gave us an opportunity to travel the streets of Tel Aviv with our own tour guide.  We learned about the ”art scene” in Israel.  Particularly it was a chance to see the art displayed through the eyes of Zoom and learn about the background and styles of various Israeli artists.  We could see, feel and experience sections of Tel Aviv in the comfort of our own homes.
  • Lunch and Learn 2023:  Why Does My School Have Cows?  We invited one of the Israeli Shlicot to our community to lead our lunch and Learn on Zoom.  Our Shin Shin (doing her service year/Shnat Sherut) spoke about her own experience at an Agricultural high School and the ways in which Israeli Education differs from the ones she encountered in Michigan.
  1. Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus
  • Beth Torah Benny Rok Sisterhood will volunteer at our Synagogue’s special needs seder designed for Jewish Adults with Development/Physical challenges.
  • We presented programs on Breast Cancer Awareness featuring Sharsharet speakers, oncologists, genetics counselors, nutritionists and cancer survivors
  1. Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood
  • “The Whole Megillah”-a satirical Purim play plus a conversation between two women playing Bystander and Upstander.  Their conversation brought up the two most recent events that occurred in Lakeland Florida and USF in Tampa Florida and how these incidents of antisemitism reflected the Purim story today.
  • “Where Did the Alphabet Really Come From?   Program written and prepared by Ann Kessler, a 90-year-old congregation member who is also a forensic handwriting expert. 2022
COMMUNITY/ISRAEL/WORLD AFFAIRS                                                                                       
  • United Hatzala Israel Rescue Organization-Avi Freedson, United Hatzala Ambassador spoke via Zoom about how it was formed, how it works and how many lives have been saved.
  1. Congregation Kol Ami Sisterhood
  • Food and Fitness: a Jewish Perspective. This program taught us how to use Torah in our every day eating habits.
  • Am Yisroel Chai program featuring Avi Jorisch.  This program provided us with current information on industries in Israel.
  • Am Yisroel  Chai program featuring Edwin Black.  This program provided information on Israel’s current political situation.
  1. Congregation Ohev Shalom
  • Women’s Health-speakers with one of our women doctors
  • Mental Wellness Program and healthy eating led by a guest nutritionist
  1. Jacksonville Jewish Center Sisterhood 
  • “How to Voice Your Opinion and Not Lose a Friend”.  During COVID and the Presidential election was an extremely challenging and difficult time.  There was tension and relationships were compromised to the point that people were not respectful of each other, so it is important to always ask your clergy for help.  Our Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner navigated our way with lessons from the Torah to help handle sensitive issues with family and friends. 
  • “The Best of Times Covers” concentrating on Jewish Content.  Marjorie Marcus an award-winning English professor highlighted the Time Magazine Covers over the years that highlighted popular culture famous Jewish people such as Golda Meir, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and many others.
  • Yom Hazikaron observed with Taste of Memories which is an Israeli initiative whose goal is to commemorate fallen soldiers and victims of terror by cooking their favorite recipes.  Tal Mola who is the Shiach from Tel Aviv will be talking about her experience in the Israeli Army and then each woman will make the soldier’s favorite recipe.  Collaborating with Hadassah.
  1. Kol Isha Sisterhood of Congregation Shaarei Kodesh
  • “The Letters of Abigail Levy Franks-A Glimpse Into the Colonial Life of an American Jewish Family”-Rosh Chodesh program comparing colonial times to Jewish life today-led by Jonathan Sarna, Brandeis University, American Jewish Historian.
  • “Unsung Israeli Women Heroes” live from Israel via Zoom.  The inspiration for this topic came from a realization I had about Golda Meir.  While Golda has always been held up as an example of how progressive Israeli society is vis a vis women’s equality, the reality that I observe and experience living in Israel is often the opposite.  I wanted to explore what lies behind these two truths.”  Quote from guest speaker Hillary Menkowtiz.
  1. Temple Beth David
  • Welcome Back Breakfast and book club in the Sukkah.  Discussion of “The Art of Racing in the Rain” along with discussion of Sukkot by our Cantor Danielle Bensimhon.  We also made cards to send to women on the west coast of Florida dealing with effects from Hurricane Ian.
  • “Spread the Love”-quarterly PB & J sandwich making to support the efforts of the South Florida soup kitchen.  We prepared 400 sandwiches. 
  1. Temple Beth Torah Sha’arey Tzedek
  • Monthly study groups with Dr. Sandra Lilienthal on Contemporary Halachic issues
  • Pink Shabbat for Breast Cancer Awareness
  1. Temple Torat Emet
  • “League of Women Voters Presentation”.  2020  Zoom program discussion about Women’s Suffrage.  This was held before the upcoming elections.
  • Sharsheret Program-a panel discussion to highlight cancer awareness joint with Men’s Club-open to the community at large-included on the panel a Sharsheret representative, a radiologist and a cancer survivor.
  • Women’s Seder- a program to be held jointly with Boynton Beach community Valencia Lakes Hadassah and facilitated by a Sisterhood member.  The Hagaddah includes tributes and recognition of three amazing women:  Tzippi Livni, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sue Press, an amazing woman who dedicated her life to Jewish causes and was an active member of our Sisterhood.
  1. Women’s League of B’nai Torah
  • Bima 101-teaching women what do when on the Bima
  • On Zoom Professor Margery Marcus did a presentation comparing the parallels in history, politics and life between 1920 and 2020 and a Travel log with Charlotte-a series of 3 travelogues.
  • Dinner for JARC residents-we supplied the food
  • Collecting gift cards for needy youth
  1. Women’s League of Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach
  • “Deceitful Women in the Bible”.  The biblical story of Tamar and Judah was presented as a play “The Trial of Tamar”.  The players were the Judge, Tamar (defendant), Judah (Plaintiff), Prosecutor, and Defense Attorney.  Each attorney questioned her client on the witness stand so that the whole story of Tamar came to light.  The Women’s League audience was asked to render a verdict as to whether Tamar was Guilty or Not Guilty (verdict was Not Guilty).
  • “History of the Bra: From Push-Ups to Protest”.  Marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we began our season with a Zoom presentation by fashion historian Caroline Elenowitz-Hess who spoke of the evolution of the bra in a changing society.  Our members dropped off new or “gently used” bras at the Temple to be donated to women in need through the international “I Support the Girls” Organization.
  • We have created a meaningful relationship with our Israeli sisters that has grown strong since its inception in 2020 and promises to provide inspirational exchanges of programs in the future.  We joined with our Israeli sisters of Congregation Beit Israel in Netanya, Israel to view a film honoring the life of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who disappeared on this day in 1945.  The program was introduced by His Excellency Ambassador Erik Ullenhag of the Swedish Embassy and by Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Beit Israel, Rabbi Ervin Birnbaum z”l.  The film documents the experiences of survivors from Scandinavian countries that fell under Nazi persecution and how they managed to escape.  A Q & A session followed the film, led by its Director and Producer, Susannah Warlick.
  • For about 10 years, our Synagogue was involved in a project to collect 1.5 million buttons in memory of the 1.5 million children who were murdered in the Holocaust.  Canisters of buttons were displayed in our Kramer Library Lounge.  When the project lapsed, our Chaverot Circle (group of younger women) took on the project, sponsored publicity throughout the community and buttons came from all over to us.  Several of the women gathered to count the buttons.  We are now working on a permanent memorial for our Temple, using the 1.5 million buttons collected to tell the story of the murdered children.
  1. Women’s League of Temple B’nai Jacob
  • “Unsung Heroines of the Holocaust”.  Guest speaker Maureen Holtzer, a Holocaust Studies educator, discussed women’s roles in resistance and rescue.
  • “A Bride for One Night”.  A look at Jewish Women of Torah, Talmud and History-researched and presented by one of our members.
  • Israeli Army and then each woman will make the soldier’s favorite recipe.  Collaborating with Hadassah.
  1. B’nai Shalom Sisterhood
  • Bailey Frumen, Life Coach-Coping with Covid
  • Documentary by Lacey Schwartz Delgado “Little White Lie” showcasing the producer’s life as a Jewish girl growing up in Woodstock NY who comes to find out her father was a black man.  A surprising view of Jews of Color was discussed. Q & A with alacey via Zoom.  Co-sponsored with shul’s Culture and Learning Center
  • Meet Marla Rottenstreich, My Jewish Journey from hip hop dancer to observant Jew.
  • Arranged for our Rabbi Robert Tobin to talk about his journey to becoming a converted Jew and Rabbi and how Women’s League Torah Fund helped him along the way
  1. Congregation Torat El
  • One of our members Dr. Alison Block, presented a Mishpachah program called the Modern Jewish Family via Zoom.
  • Marcia Belgorod presented a program over Zoom on Jews who fought for Suffrage in honor of the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote.
  1. Highland Park Conservative Temple-Congregation Anshe Shalom
  • 2021 Rabbis, Rebels and Supreme Court Justices-how Jewish Women shaped modern America
  • Human Trafficking - Jewish Prospective - A series of 3 programs
  1. Miriam Sisterhood
  • Sex in the Sukkah - A conversation about sex and intimacy with Rabbi Treu
  • When Jews Fought for Suffrage with Marcia Belgorod, FHJC co-president
  1. Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael
  • Sisterhood Program-Michelle Kriegman, member and author discussing her book “Finding Faith” about adoption, Jewish and indigenous heritage.
  • Sisterhood presented “The Seeing Eye-putting Miracles in Motion” in honor of Jewish disabilities and inclusion month.  Local Seeing Eye dog and trainer visited and explained how the non-profit program works.  The Religious school children were invited to learn about the Seeing Eye along with the congregation.
     6. Sisterhood Temple Beth El Mekor Chayim
  • Our Sisterhood together with the Sisterhood from Temple Beth Or Beth Torah will have a program from the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History on “Jewish Women’s History in America”.
  • 2021 Virtual tour of RBG exhibit at Illinois Holocaust Museum
  1. Beth David Women
  • An Evening with Nina Segalowitz. “The Psychology of Friendship, Women and Women and Mental Health and Wellness.” She spoke about her life as an indigenous person who was stolen from her home as a baby and raised in a Jewish Phillipino home in Montreal. 
  1. Beth Tikvah Women
  • Ari Sartok-author of Poetry Book-Love Too Can Spread/Poetry during the pandemic.  Ari read some of his poems that were very funny and uplifting-the audience enjoyed seeing a different perspective on the pandemic. Q & A followed.
  • Phyllis Taylor author of The Prison Lady.  Phyllis talked by Zoom on her volunteer work z  motivational speaker and life coach to prison inmates.  She also talked about being raised by an abusive Orthodox father.
  • Beth Tikvah Women invited our assistant Rabbi a native of Ukraine to speak about her experiences at JTS.  She also spoke about her difficulties as a woman Rabbi in the Ukraine.  The reason for doing this program was to raise money for Torah Fund and introduce our new assistant Rabbi.
  1. Temple Beth El
  • Use of the WLCJ education material Divrei Nashim-the letter Kuf
  • Virtual education program with our sister KEHILLOT in Israel
  1. Women’s Network of Temple Beth Tzedek
  • Women’s Health Seminar with Dr. Tova Ablove, gynecologist specializing in incontinence issues.  Dr. Ablove is a member and generously gave of her time describing options both medicinal and surgical for solving this problem that is a common problem but not one always freely discussed.
  • Schmooze with Stu and Jan.  Long time members of our Synagogue share time between Israel and Buffalo.  Because of COVID they were unable to return to Buffalo so we had a long schmooze and caught up on Israeli events, medical interventions following Jane’s untimely accident and Stu’s views on Israel politics on Zoom.
  • We Zoomed to Israel for 4 weeks in a row to tour Israel as if we were on a tour bus with our guides Lyanna and Zalman.  As a special treat we ‘bumped? Into former Buffalonians now living in Israel. Because the flavors of Israel are intrinsic to our tour, our guides shared weekly recipes with us.
  • Pride Shabbat - Two members of our Sisterhood made Rainbow Challah for Kiddush on the Shabbat the synagogue observed Pride Month.
  • Stop the Bleed - Joining together with the Synagogue Board we helped host a program to save lives.  Led by two member physicians we learned how to pack bullet wounds and how to place tourniquets properly.  As well as how to use NARCAN and do CPR. 
1. Congregation Beth Shalom, Overland Park KS
  • “100 Years of Voting: Unfinished Business”, the history of Women’s right to vote and celebrating the 100th year of women voting.
  • “Racism in the Jewish Community” -learned more about the importance of including and being respectful to all kinds of Jews in our community.
  • Warm UP America – Year-round project where we knit afghans and donate them to different organization.  Did this all three years.
  • “Thou Shalt Not Bully” – Committee works with organizations to raise awareness of bullying in all parts of life and how to end bullying.
2. Congregation Brith Shalom, Bellaire TX
  • Women Tallit Making Workshop “A Tallit to Dye for …(Part 1)”  Affiliate member shared her experience in making multiple tallitot. The history of tallit styles, fabrics and the evolution of the tallit as an object of beauty and ritual art was discussed.  A Shibori tye dye artist taught the dye process.  Women selected the techniques they wished to use and dyed their tallit,
  • “A Tallit to Dye for (Part 2)”  focused on the tying of the tzitzit and the symbolism of the number of wraps and the knots. When the women lead Shabbat morning services later in the month, at the beginning, the women who made a tallit came to the bimah and recited the b’racha for putting on the tallit together.
  • “Stretching Into the New Year Physically and Mentally”.  Rebbetzin Vicki Teller spoke about the rituals that are performed in the month of Elul to prepare for the new year.  Modeh Ani prayer that is recited each morning upon waking was discussed.  The women were encouraged to stretch their thinking to view the reawakening and expressing of gratitude to God for restoring our souls in Modeh Ani to the annual renewal of our souls in the month of Elul. A member lead a Pilates class focused on stretching and deep cleansing breathing. Cleansing breaths were compared to cleansing our souls to do the work of Teshuvah.
  • “No-Sew Blanket Workshop to make fleece blankets for local Childrens’ Protective Services.
  • Bingo With Our Veterans Program at Midtown Terrace Veterans Home.  A member collected hand made items and monetary donations to provide hats, blankets, and slippers for the residents of the Veterans home. The women baked and brought Bingo.
2. Shaarey Zedek, Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Secrets of the Shanghai Jewish Ghetto
  • The Tattooed Torah
  • Picked up, wrapped, and delivered gifts (blankets)to West Broadway Church for needy people for the holidays.
  • Donated goods (used and new) and funds to Willow Place – a battered women’s shelter.
3. Congregation Anshai Torah Sisterhood, Plano TX
  • The Real Matriarchs of the Torah – a learning series with Rebbetzin Talia Kusknick
  • Virtual Challah Bake
  • Virtual program with a member and an IDF soldier, Maya, gave a wonderful insight into the fearless female combat soldiers service in the IDF
  • Helping Hands Service project makes blankets for the animal shelter, Hanukkah cards for Jewish Family Services and collected food for Jewish family Services food pantry.
4. Shearith Israel, Dallas TX
  • Book, “The Thread Collectors”, a Civil War era novel depicting the friendship between a Jewish woman and a Black woman whose husbands are missing in action during the Civil War was discussed by the authors, Alison Richmond and Shaunna D. Edwards.
  • Challah Bake was taught by member with bakery experience.
  • Galentine’s Day -a women-focused benefit for Support the Girls, Inc. Proceeds from the event fund a project to provide bras and menstrual hygiene products to homeless women and girls. 
  • A mother/child event to make  “by bye” bags  for the children served by the Vogel Alcove, a Dallas organization that serves homeless women and children.  While mothers can socialize, an instructor will help children decorate and fill “bye bye” bags. These bags are bags of goodies given to children as they leave an event so they will have something to enjoy later.
5. Temple of Aaron Sisterhood, St. Paul,  MN
  • “Women and Their Handbags”, a rich history of handbags from 14th C. to present.  Presenter was an artist and historian of handbags and tallit bags, including use of material from Israel.
  • Lunch and Learn on Women of the Talmud led by Rabbi Rachel Rubenstein.
  • Participation by members with the Habitat for Humanity local build.
  • “Baby Shower” for the Minneapolis Crisis Nursery. 
6. Tifereth Israel Women’s League, Des Moines, IA
  • Taught WL members how to participate in meetings via Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
  • Tattooed Torah – Animated documentary in conjunction with the Shoah Foundation was presented at the synagogue.  Producer and film collaborators attended in person.
  • WL Board worked with local grocery store to help them with ordering Passover goods.  Passover foods are now consistently sold there.
  • Meals for the Heartland – Hanukkah Mitzvah Project. Members volunteered to package meals at the local non-profit food distributor for shipment overseas and in the US.
1.  Beth El Synagogue, New Rochelle, NY
  • Virtual visit to the ANU Museum of the Diaspora.  A guided tour of the ANU Museum in Tel Aviv led by a docent of the Museum.
  • Bagels and Books – The Sisterhood runs a monthly in person Book club featuring books of Jewish content and Jewish authors.
  • MLK Day Annual Cinema Brunch featuring a film with Jewish topic open to the community.  This year’s entry was Above and Beyond, the story of a group of American Jewish pilots who secretly smuggles WWII airplanes out of the United Sates to fight in the Israel War of Independence.
  • Sisterhood regularly provides an annual gift to the soup kitchen, Hope Community Kitchen of New Rochelle, NY.  The Soup Kitchen opened a Kosher Pantry for Jews in need. The Sisterhood also cooks for the kitchen.  In addition, our synagogue recently introduced a Freezer Pantry where frozen meals are available for anyone in need at no charge.
2. First Hebrew Congregation, Peekskill NY
  • “When Jews Fought for Suffrage” – Marcia Belgorod spoke on Zoom about the 19th Amendment
  • “Is Superman Circumcised?” with author Roy Schwartz in person and on Zoom
  • Food Pantry Collection ongoing during the year for the local panty
  • Collected donation for HIAS
3. Sisterhood of Conservative synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale, Bronx, Ny
  • The Last Jews of Babylon: My Life Under Baathist Rule and Escape Through Kurdistan – Dovelet Shashou
  • Abraham Joshua Heschel and Martin Luther King, Jr:  A Prophetic Partnership that Changed America – speaker was Arnold Eisen
  • Sponsorship of Ethiopian High School Student in Israel for past 8 years through North American Council on Ethiopian Jewry)
  • Unclaimed Shallach Manot packages are donated to various food pantries and women’s shelters in our community every year.
1. Congregation B’nai Jacob, Phoenixville  PA
  • Passover Family Traditions – discussion of family traditions, holiday food and recipe exchange
  • “Life on an Israeli Kibbutz” – Sari Pashko Yehudah taught about this Israeli lifestyle experience on Zoom
  • Torah Fund Luncheon “Being a Masorti Conservative Jew in Israel – presented by Lisa Leff, part-time Israeli resident.
  • Rabbi Barbara Aiello spoke on “I’m Italian, But Could I Be Jewish Too?” on Zoom about her work to help Italian “anousim” (people whose ancestors were forced into conversion) discover and connect with their Jewish roots.
2. Congregation Beth El Sisterhood, Voorhees, NJ
  • Movie Critic Night – “Disobedience” – discussion about a woman shunned from her Orthodox Jewish Community – LGBT theme
  • An Evening With the Boobie Docs – The Girlfriends’ Guide to Breast Cancer, Breast Health and Beyond
  • Collection gift cards for Project SARAH (Stop Abusive Relationships at Home) – a domestic abuse program run by JFCS
  • Judaically Yours (Sisterhood Gift Shop) – donated over $1,00 from the sales of hamsa necklaces to Ukraine Recovery efforts.
3. Congregation Beth Tikvah Sisterhood, Marlton, NJ
  • Passover Trivia  Q & A
  • Cantor Lebovic talks about Shofarim
  • Operation Backpack – collected school supplies for the less fortunate
  • Socks & Snacks - collected new socks and nonperishable snacks for the homeless at Pete’s Pantry.
4. Ohev Shalom, Richboro PA
  • Sisterhood member presented a Sign Language talk about growing up with two deaf parents.
  • Sweet in the Sukkah with Cantor Annelise.  We made edible sukkot.
  • Each time a Sisterhood member becomes a grandparent we plant a tree in Israel to honor the child.
  • Ohev Shalom Israel trip with Tichon students.  Sisterhood gave each participant, both adults and students, 70 shekels to be used at Yad LaKashish – Lifeline for the Old. By purchasing something there, they not only were making a donation to this very worthwhile organization, they also had something special to bring back from there as a sweet memory of their trip to Israel.
4. Sisterhood of Har Zion Temple, Penn Valley PA
  • Adult Education classes led by Sisterhood member, Dr. Sara Cohen Education Director Emerita on the topic “Learning the Liturgy of the High Holidays” – 4 sessions
  • Author Debbie Zimelman spoke about her book “Women on the Frontlines: Inside the Combat Units of the Israel Army.  A woman IDF soldier was also our guest who spoke about her experience as a combat service member of the Israeli army
  • Collected Kosher canned goods for Thanksgiving baskets that were brought to ElderNet to deliver Kosher Thanksgiving dinners to individuals and families in our area that are experiencing food insecurity.
  • A collection of women’s personal hygiene products were donated to Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Mitzvah Food Pantry.
5. Shirat Hayam, Ventnor NJ
  • Author Jo Ivester presented “Once a Girl, Always a Boy – a transgender story
  • Learned about Jewish Women Pioneers of the Early West
  • Mitzvah Meals – preparing meals to be delivered to a local church
  • Working with Kehillat Har El, Jerusalem
6. Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood, Cherry Hill, NJ
  • A Night in Persia – originally scheduled in person, but turned into Zoom program.  136 boxed Persian style kosher meals were provided to participants for pick up at the synagogue to be eaten at home. Henna kits were also available for pick up.  There were three speakers:  Haleh Rabizadah Resnick talked about her experiences growing up Jewish in Iran before immigrating to the US with her family.  She used a collage of photos to enrich her presentation.  Henna Artist Linda Krause Maldonato spoke about henna as a Jewish tradition and taught participants how to apply it.  Mariana Marchese performed and taught belly dancing 
  • Talmud and Tiaras – this educational program featured Jane Lindemann discussing Jewish and Steminist at the JStem Lab at Kellman brown Academy.  Jane used commentary on the Torah to link themes of contemporary life.  A tour of the STEM lab was offered. Wine and Desserts were served.  Each participant was given a cheese board created in the STEM Lab for Shavuot.
  • A program in honor of Juneteenth was held on 6/16/21 which was a virtual tour of the Harriet Tubman Museum which was open to the community.
  • The Chesed Project focused on supporting women.  Money was collected and donated to Planned Parenthood. Items were donated to LUCY Outreach using their Amazon wish list.  Bras and feminine care products were collected for Distributing Dignity.
7. Temple Sinai, Dresher PA
  • Why was this Holiday Season different from others:  How Judaism has reacted to disasters, dangers and pandemic.
  • Discussion:  The Blessing in the Chanukah Blessings
  • Do abortion bans go against our Jewish religious freedoms?
  • Collected items to donate to The Inter-Faith Housing for Women and Children in our community.
  • Zoom journey to Israel:  Explor8ng the Negev
8. Tiferet Bet Israel, Blue Bell, PA
  • Rosh Chodesh:  “You know more Yiddish than you think”
  • ADL program – “Gender Equity, How Stereotypes and Bias Affect Women”
  • Jewish Disability Awareness Month Program – speaker Kalman from Shalva National Center
  • Sponsored TBI MS Walk=a=Thon Team supporting a member and MS Research
9. Tifereth Israel of Lower Bucks County, Bensalem, PA
  • “Who’s Your Daddy – Joel Gottfried, guest speaker, discovering who your family really is.  When Joel turned 69, he received a DNA kit as a birthday present from his sister.  What seemed like a routine cheek swab turned into a shocking discovery.
  • International Holocaust Program – Life Before World War II – A History of Mlawa Poland. A video was shown about life in Mlawa Poland prior to WWII.  Following the video, a power point presentation was presented by Sandy Berenbaum about her life in a Displaced Persons Camp following the war.
  • We partner with the Presbyterian Church to make food or donate food supplies for their shelte
  • Made T-shirt bags for the food that is donated for recipients.
1. Beth Sholom B’nai Israel, Manchester, CT
  • Sandals Memorial Lecture (virtual): In the year 2125, will American Jews Be Alive?  Grounds for Optimism and Pessimism for the future of American Jewry”.  Speakers were Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin.
  • Documentary “The Levys and Monticello” tells the little known story of the family and descendants of Lieutenant Uriah Phillip Levy who purchased and very carefully preserved Monticello for nearly a century, longer than Jefferson or his descendants. A main interview subject, Niya Bates, a senior fellow of African American history at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, spoke abut the issue of slavery during this time period.
  • Virtual program from Israel with Joseph Gitler, founder and voluntary chairman of Leket who spoke abut the latest challenges his organization is facing, how Leket is helping other countries and hear directly from our synagogue members about their experience picking produce for distribution to the poor and hungry in Israel. Leket Israel, Israel’s National Food Bank, responds to the paradox of hunger and poverty on one hand and significant food waste on the other, by rescuing and redistributing tens of millions of pounds of food each year.
  • Participated in Reverse Tashlich project with the Social Action Committee.  It involved cleaning up sites along the Hockanum River Linear Trail.
2. Temple Israel of Natick Sisterhood, Natick, MA
  • Gen Silent – documentary film followed by discussion professionally led by JFS Manager of Inclusivity to sensitize our members to medical care issues specific to the LGBTQ community.
  • “Housewives of Shushan – Purim “Reframed” – Explored the fuzzy spots of the Purim story as told through a modern lens.  Like Purim, all is not as it seems!
  • Furthering pride in Israel – Speaker Michael Ordman “VERY GOOD NEWS ABOUT ISRAEL”.  Inspiring stories of how Israel improves the lives of its citizens and neighbors of all ethnicities.
  • OPEN DOOR – soup kitchen dinner at a local facility – a program serving those in need of a hot meal.
3. The Emanuel Synagogue Sisterhood, West Hartford, CT
  • Had a representative of Fine Fettle Pharmacy present Sisterhood information about CBD and who would benefit from it, who needs it and why it has become more available for the public to buy.
  • In Conjunction with NAR, a program was presented on zoom based on the book “SOLES OF A SURVIVOR”.  It is the story of NHI ARONHEIM who lives in CO now.  It’s a story of a 12 year old girl, leaving her family in Vietnam, and walking through
  • Cambodia to the boat that would take her to the United Sates.  Because her feet still show the scars of when she was walking barefoot, the title is SOLES.  It was a difficult zoom program but the ending is beautiful.
  • “Hands on Hartford is a homeless organization that tries to get people back on their feet.  We made a donation.
  • Monetary donation to the Kosher food bank.  They still have no food so they will buy gift cards.
1. Women of B’nai Shalom, Walnut Creek, CA
  • Jews of Kaifeng
  • Cooking with the Hazzan – special matzah baklava recipe and the meaning of the Rosh Chodesh blessings.
  • Donated funds to support the refugees from Ukraine
  • Distribution of Memorial Plants of the first and second yahrzeit of the death of a spouse or child.
2. Congregation Neveh Shalom, Portland, OR
  • Hosted a program regarding Jews in Comedy
  • Lecture by Toby Blake on The Art of the Jewish Family
  • Sustainability Presentation with Sarah Safdie on Zoom
  • Packed feminine hygiene products to be distributed to victims of domestic violence
1. Adat Shalom, Los Angeles CA
  • How to Use Jewish Methods for Dealing with Stress – Dr. Len Felder shared methods from Jewish sources that can help us stay centered, compassionate and effective
  • There is member participation in Torah Study such as Rabbi Lefkowitz’s classes on “Talking Torah and “Tongue Twisters of Tefillah”
2. Beth El Women’s League, Phoenix, AZ
  • Rabbi Steinkokin led a discussion on Rosh Hodes and its significance for women.  The group began work on embroidery project with message “New Beginnings”.
  • Visited Mikvah at local Chabad.  Speaker told us history, why a mikvah, what are the necessary personal preparations and then we toured actual mikvah and dressing area.
  • Reverse Tashlich - Participated in Community Garden and Neighborhood clean up.
  • Provided breakfast for Dorot Shabbat – Young Families Shabbat
3. Congregation Ner Tamid of South Bay, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
  • “Insights into Jewish Life in Iran” – original program.  Presented by Jina Rezvanpour, President of the PSW Region, who discussed her life as a Jew before, during and after the Iranian Revolution
  • “Gifted: Collecting the Art of California at Gardena High School, 1919-1956” – original program.  A docent led a tour at the Palos Verdes Art Center of the painting that the students in the senior class selected, purchased and donated to the high school as class gifts during the year of 1919-1956.  The paintings were chosen by educational and social principles rather than economic values.  Discussion included background of the artists, many of whom were Jewish and had relocated to the USA prior to WWII.
  • “New Sock and T-Shirt Drive”: Items were collected and donated to Harbor Community clinic, San Pedro, which serves men, women and children throughout the surrounding LA-South Bay-San Pedro area.  The clinic provides low-cost and no-cost health services to residents with low incomes and to those whose employers do not provide health insurance coverage.
  • “Prom Dresses Collection”:  Sisterhood along with the Youth Group collected gently used prom or evening dresses and accessories which will be donated to Maria’s Closet.  This local organization reaches out to teens in need to supply them with appropriate dresses and accessories so that they may attend their prom, which increased their self-confidence.
4. Sinai Temple Sisterhood, Los Angeles, CA
  • “From Tehini to Tkhines, Nourishing our Bodies and Souls” -presented by  Dr. Claudia Mikhael, on Zoom.
  • Kabbalah Class – taught by Rabbi Deborah Silver, attendees were introduced to the four core concepts of Creation, God, Torah and The Divine Feminine and how they relate to our Jewish practice.
  • Packing with Purpose:  Sisterhood members participated in “multifaith Evening of Gratitude” led by Rabbi Erez Sherman and Cantor Marcus Feldman.  They packed items needed by people who are unhoused and arranged with the Church of the Good Shepard for them to be distributed to those in need.
  • Kids Enjoy Exercise Now in Los Angeles (KEEN LA):  This is a non profit organization that provides sports for kids with special needs.  Sisterhood sponsored a holiday party for the families.
5. Temple Ramat Zion, Northridge, CA
  • Movie with Gabrielle Bohn on Jewish mafia running prostitution ring in 1920’s Argentina and the woman who bravely exposed them.  Several of our members are from Argentina and remember the family stories.
  • Kristallnacht program from Museum of Tolerance, LA for a better understanding.
  • Collected women’s personal hygiene products .
  • Collected clothes for community, collected bras for Support the Girls.
6. Women’s Connection of Congregation Beth El, La Jolla CA
  • Online Cooking Session for Purim - “Dough v’ Dough…Making Hamantaschen” with leader, Nancy Dosick preparing her favorite recipe and discussing the background on our traditions, favorite costumes growing up, favorite fillings. 
  • Festival Art Series – featuring award-winning Israeli artist, Varda Lev-Ram, leading a session on creating Hamsas with Polymer Clay.
  • Monthly “Knit ‘n’Nosh” program for women to build their knitting and crocheting skills while also creating projects for the community such as hats for Israel soldiers, blankets for heart patients, caps for premature babies.
  • Rosh Chodesh Gathering with guest speaker Varda Lev-Ram providing an update on the state of things in Israel after her 6 months there.
7. Congregation Or Tzion, Scottsdale, AZ
  • Guided virtual tour of the Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum in NYC
  • Watched the film, “The Women’s Balcony” about a Bar Mitzvah in the Orthodox community in Jerusalem and followed that with a discussion.
  • Contributed over 60 hand tied and other blankets to the Sojourner Center, a shelter for women and children right before Thanksgiving.
  • Continuously collect and donate bras for Mathilde’s Mentionables.
8. Women’s Sholom, Las Vegas, NV League of Temple Beth
  • “Everything you wanted to know about Cannabis but were afraid to ask.” – Speaker, Brad Harris of Cannapoint spoke about what cannabis products can do and what to expect when going shopping for these projects. 
  • Program in the sukkah  which included a speaker and slideshow about the Italian Ghetto.
  • Had a drive for donations for Safe Nest and Shade Tree to help women’s shelters with much needed supplies.
  • Participate in the Annual Food Drive for Jewish Family Services by collecting food.
1. Adat Chaim Sisterhood, Owings Mills, MD
  • Jews, Gratitude and Thanksgiving Program
  • Abayudaya Jews of Uganda program
  • Faith and Blue Weekend - participation and outreach to thank our local officers
  • Empty Bowls to raise awareness of hunger, homelessness and poverty
2. Adas Israel Congregation Sisterhood, Washington, DC
  • Women’s Path to the Pulpit – panel discussed the professional journeys of Adas Israel’s gifted and inspiring women clergy:  Rabbi Sarah Krinsky, Cantor Arianne Brown and Hazzan Rachel Goldsmith.  Moderated by Rabbi Gilah Langner
  • League of Women Voters – Education about voting:  Sisterhood member and League of Women Voters DC President, Kathy Chiron, spoke about the prospects of DC statehood and about DC voting rights for prisoners, resulting in a few Sisterhood members volunteering in a pilot program to assist prisoners in their efforts to register to vote.
  • Participate in Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights – Sisterhood Board member, Gabrielle Sherb, Vice President of Development for the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights/The Leadership Conference Education Fund and her colleague Vanessa Gonzalez presented about the nation’s largest coalition of civil and human rights organizations.
  • Anne Frank House Food Delivery – Sisterhood volunteers deliver food to residents, monthly, at Anne Frank House, an independent non-profit organization that provides long-term supportive housing to 12 formerly homeless men and women with chronic mental illness and/or disability.
3. Beth El Sisterhood, Baltimore MD
  • “Women Who Wage Peace” was presented by Vivian Silver, a Canadian born Israeli who talked about her relationship with Palestinian women who all belong to “Women Who Wage Peace”.  This organization aims to bring about the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by means of an honorable, nonviolent mutually accepted solution.
  • Liz Scheier, a former editor for Penguin Random House, spoke about her complicated mother and her mental illness and growing up within that environment.
  • Special collections each month for Reisterstown Crisis Center and Helping Up Mission.  Examples are:  soup for February Souper Bowl and Hygiene supplies for homeless.
4. Beth Israel Sisterhood, Owings Mills MD
  • Baghdad to Calcutta – Rahel Muselah
  • Unknown Women Inventors – Barbara Blumberg
  • Donation of Judaica to Congregation family that lost everything in a fire.
  • Donations to a variety of organizations – Lone Soldier Program, JTS Ukraine Fund
5. B’nai Israel Congregation, Rockville, MD
  • “When Home Isn’t Safe:  COCD and Domestic Violence – Sheltering at home could mean being isolated with an abusive relative or partner, unable to get help.  Amanda Katz, JCADA Executive Director, along with a domestic violence survivor and advocate gave us insight into this ongoing crisis.
  • “Women on the Front Lines:  Inside the Combat Units of the Israeli Army” – in person and via Zoom.  Debbie Zimelman is a portrait photographer in Israel for over 25 years with an expertise in documenting Israeli women.  Her new book explores the lives of women who serve in the combat units of the Israeli army.  Through color photography and the soldiers’ own words, the book offers a glimpse into the experiences, fears, challenges and accomplishments of the brave young women.
  • Once a month, Sisterhood and Men’s club prepare food and deliver the food to residents of the Interfaith Women’s Shelter in Rockville.
  • Blanket Making – B’nai Israel Sisterhood continues our long-time relationship with the Blanket Making Project of the Montgomery County chapter of the Maryland Association for Family and Community Education.
6. Congregation Chizuk Amuno Sisterhood, Baltimore, MD
  • Cocktails in the Courtyard – We gathered for early evening light meal and drinks outside in our courtyard.  Our Rabbi, Deborah Wechsler, led us in a discussion of the characteristics of four women in the Bible and had us divide into groups according to the women we most associate with for further discussion.  The group consisted of people of all ages so it was even more interesting to hear different perspectives.
  • Nadine Epstein editor of Moment Magazine, talked about the book she edited, Elie Wiesel, An Extraordinary Life and Legacy, and her professional relationship with Elie Wiesel.
  • “Dignity Grows” – a national program.  In partnership with the Associated in Baltimore, Sisterhood raised money to pack 200 bags of feminine hygiene products that were distributed to local organizations in need.  We had a packing party and heard from representatives of the organizations receiving these bags.
  • “Shredding and E-cycle” – twice a year, Sisterhood sponsors this event.  All materials collected are recycled reducing waste in our landfills.  Sisterhood arranges for the shredding and e-cycle trucks, organizes the volunteers and collects a suggested donation to help offset the cost of the trucks.
7. Congregation Olam Tikvah Sisterhood, Fairfax, VA
  • “Breast Cancer Awareness by Early Detection” – Inspired by a Sisterhood member who shared how fortunate she feels because she learned how to conduct a self-breast exam.
  • Speaker Steve Kerbel presented “Recharging Community after the Pandemic
  • Participation in MLK Day Collection of kitchen and cleaning supplies for Afghan refugees.
  • Toy drive to help make holidays brighter for local children through the Community for Helping Others.
8. Congregation Har Shalom, Potomac, MD
  • Sunday workshop, specifically for women, to learn about the traditional songs and prayers that are recited on Shabbat.  Learned the what and how and most importantly, the why.  What do these prayers mean and why are they said.
  • Healthy Eating and Lifestyle:  Facts and Myths ---Loris Shell, MS RD LD (nutritionist) facilitating. Distinguished fact from myths surrounding health benefits or dangers of vitamins and mineral supplements and various foods such as red meat, eggs, coffee, organic food and craving for chocolate.
  • Send Purim Baskets to IDF soldiers.
  • Centerpieces for events are donatable items:  fleece blanket Mitzvah Project
9. Kehilat Shalom Sisterhood, Gaithersburg, MD
  • Had a Licensed Medicare Insurance Agent discuss Medicare basics, with an emphasis on some of the myths people believe about Medicare and common mistakes.
  • Sukkah event with speaker, Joel Wasserman, who discussed his life in the Ukraine during wartime.
  • Members of Sisterhood provided meals for the Christmas Morning Brunch for the Men’s Homeless Shelter in Rockville, MD.
  • Prepared a meal for the Stepping Stones Shelter in Rockville, MD.  Also collected kitchen and household goods for shelter members as they prepare to live on their own.
10. Rodef Sholom Temple, Newport News, VA
  • “Your Affectionate Mother” – 18th Century Jewish women’s life
  • “Harlot or Heroine” – Biblical Women in art
  • “Waking Lions” – Israeli novelist Ayelet Gundar – moral dilemmas in Israel
  • Raise money for the local Food Bank.
11. Sisterhood of Beth Shalom Congregation, Columbia, MD
  • “50 Lights for 50 years” – Zoom community candle-lighting for first night of Chanukah.  Our goal – 50 online chanukiot- to celebrate Beth Shalom’s 50th anniversary.  Many participants shared stories of the histories of their chanukiah and their families’ immigration stories.
  • Virtual Tour of Jewish India – Rahel Musleah too us on a virtual tour of India with an emphasis on the Jewish communities in that country.
  • Beth Shalom Sisterhood used our monthly newsletter and on-line chats ad programs to promote voter registration and to inform our members on the process to vote by mail.
  • Ukraine Winter Weather Drive – partnering with a Ukrainian Church nearby, Beth Shalom Sisterhood put out a call for blankets, coats, gloves, hats, and other cold weather gear to send to Ukraine. 
12. Shaare Tefila Congregation Sisterhood, Olney, MD
  • Member whose daughter had a heart transplant as an infant, conducted a program on organ donations.  Also information on becoming an organ donor, how to donate blood platelets and other materials.
  • “Evolving Jobs” – a program conducted by Consulting services over Zoom.  How have the roles in WL changed.  Have we changed with them?
  • Had a presentation and then participated in Dress for Success.  We collected clothing, make-up, etc. for women who are returning to the workforce and need appropriate clothing for interviews. Also collected men’s clothing.
  • Supported the toy drive at a local elementary school that has many children living below the poverty line.  In many cases, these are the only gifts that they will receive.
13. Tikvat Israel Women’s Network, Rockville, MD
  • “Spirituality Through Women’s Eyes” led by Roberta Helzner.  Utilizing different stories written by women in the book “Four Centuries of Jewish Somen’s Spirituality”, Roberta guided us using reflection and conversation on personal journeys as we searched for opportunities to fill our heart and soul and find ways to emotionally replenish ourselves.
  • “Sh’ma Yisrael:  Jewish Ethical Wills – presented by Rabbi Marc Israel.  Jewish parents have been sharing their final requests and hopes for the future with their children and grandchildren ever since Jacob blessed his children on his deathbed.  Looking at several such ethical wills over history, Rabbi Israel helped us consider the questions and range of issues we might consider when drawing up a Jewish ethical will.
  • “Welcome Back, VIRTUAL PICNIC” – With everything from red checked napkins to black bugs(black beans) in the salads!  A picnic lunch was prepared and distributed to all participants through a covid safe pick up at the synagogue.  Lunch was enjoyed by all while people shared memorable items from around their homes.  When people picked up their lunches, they dropped off food donations to contribute as part of the Women’s League “Stock the Shelves”.
  • Virtual Jewish Paris – The program was presented by Karen Reb Rudel, the founder of Sight Seekers Delight. The tour walked around the Jewish quarter of Paris pointing out cultural landmarks that would be otherwise overlooked whilst at the same time giving insight into what it was like to be a Jew in France during several fraught periods.
1. Adas Yeshurun Synagogue Sisterhood, Augusta, GA
  • “Pink Shabbat” – Guest speaker was Dr. Murray Freedman, OB-GYN, who emphasized the importance of breast self-examination and provided facts and figures regarding breast cancer and breast cancer survival rates.
  • “We Effect Change” – with North Atlantic Region – emphasizing Social Justice
  • Stock the Shelves – have collected food items but local food bank requested monetary donations.
  • Collected monetary donations for Child Enrichment, the holiday Tzedakah project.
2. Ahavath Achim Sisterhood, Atlanta, GA
  • Sisterhood organized a tour oat the William Bremen Jewish Museum for our members to attend the Rescuers of the Jews Shoah exhibit led by docent and Sisterhood member Barbara Planer.  We also learned from Sisterhood member Judy Marx about her father of blessed memory who was a survivor.  Forty members of our congregation are children of survivors.
  • Touring Paris virtually.  Chair Michelle Lerner created French themed gift bags that were delivered to all our attendees to get everyone in the “French Mood”.  100 sisters attended our virtual trip to Paris with our Jewish tour guide, Karen Rudel, who currently lives in Paris.  We learned about anti-Semitism in France, Jewish public art and day schools, Jewish architecture, Jewish celebrities, etc.  Fun prizes were awarded for the best berets and most interesting Parisian themed items that were found in our sisters’ homes during the show.
  • Donated funds to provide meals for the Zaban Family Shelter in Midtown Atlanta – 2 meals per month feeding 50 residents throughout the year. Also provided meals to Rebecca’s Tent, a homeless shelter for women.
  • School supply drop-off at Ahavath Achim for Backpack Buddies, a program that provides food to school children over the weekend while not at school.
3. Congregation Beth Shalom, Atlanta, GA
  • Zoom event – “What Has Covid Done to Our Jewish Community?”
  • Vashti’s Celebration with FBI speaker on Human Trafficking
  • Cooking and meal delivery for Rebecca’s Tent
  • Brought boxes and helped pack material for shipment to Ukraine
3. Women of Temple Israel, Charlotte, NC
  • “Nosh, Conversation and Southern Kibbitz” – UNC American Studies Scholar and writer, Marcie Cohen Ferris and three panelist members from three generations reflected on how food illuminates our understanding of the American South and Southern Jews. 
  • “Israel Tour/ Walking in the Footsteps of the Maccabees #1 and #2 with guest speaker, Michael Glassman
  • WoTI Community Garden Day – members volunteered as a group at the Shalom Park Community Garden, a garden whose harvests are donated to the food pantry at Jewish Family Services.  Members weeded beds, planted new seeds, repaired garden infrastructure and harvested produce.
  • Sukkot Mixer and Challah Braiding – WoTI collected book bags and school supplies for Starmount Preschool and Huntingtowne Farms Elementary School, Title 1 schools.
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